Sadistic bastard!

Sep 12, 2008 14:25

My healthy dislike and fear of dentists was reaffirmed today. I swear only people who get off on inducing pain in others become dentists!

Don’t get me wrong, he was nice enough as a person.

The tooth I’ve been having trouble with was too badly damaged to salvage (that is my fault) and the very tip of the root was infected (something that didn’t come to light until halfway through the extraction - infected tissue is difficult to numb, apparently). So, in short, it F**K**G hurt, despite having so many injections to numb it that I might regain movement in my face sometime next year (I actually lost count how many times he had to stop and put more local in). I have to hand it to him, he was very understanding and concerned enough that he didn't hold back on the local. At the moment, the left side of my face is swollen horridly, but I’m hoping once that goes down I’ll be more comfortable, because even numb it’s uncomfortable. I’m also on two different antibiotics and some mean painkillers. Unfortunately, I can’t actually start one lot of the antibiotics until I can eat again, because they have to be taken after food *sigh* And the painkillers are going to make me sleepy, so I can’t take them if I have to drive anywhere *pouts*

Anyway, it’s done! I should be pain free when it heals properly.

I do have four other very small cavities that he’s going to fix for me the week after next. He said they’re all fairly new and very small (and all on the same side), so there’s no point in letting them get any bigger. After that he’s going to clean my teeth and put me on a six month check-up plan… I can’t believe I’m going back! But I have to be brave and just do it *nods*

Also, sometime in the future I have to decide what to do about the hole the tooth I lost today has created. It’s right at the back of my mouth, so cosmetically there’s no issue, but he’s concerned that my wisdom tooth will move sideways to fill up the gap and it won’t do it nicely. A section of braces were mentioned to encourage the wisdom tooth into the correct position, but this isn’t always successful. I have time to think about it anyway.


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