Jun 09, 2008 20:22
This afternoon I noticed that one of our roof tiles has lifted *sigh* It doesn’t look broken, but it’ll definitely have to be put back properly before we get another storm come through or we might lose a lot more.
I spoke to Mitch’s best friend’s mum this afternoon. Her oldest daughter’s house was right in the path of the tornado. She’s lost everything outside the house (fences, swings, patio…), but luckily there doesn’t seem to be any damage to the house itself. We found out tonight that there are some houses that will have to be demolished and they’ve set up crisis care for those unable to enter their houses at the seniors day center.
Tori arrived home from school this afternoon feeling utterly disgusted with her friends. Apparently, she’d caught one of her friends gazing longingly at Mitch, so she asked her what she thought she was doing and that started a discussion about how good looking he is and how they’d all like to be his girlfriend… Poor Tori *pats her* She told me that she had to bellow at them to tell them that he was her brother (Mitch and Tori are in different sub-schools and don't tend to socialize at school, so some of her new friends don't know him) and after a few moments of disbelief they shut up. It seems all her friends like him, except her best friend, who’s known Mitch since she was four so he’s more like an annoying big brother to her as well :/