[Locked to the Winding Way]

Jun 12, 2008 13:09

Hmm... Mr. Bird seems to want a bigger role in the plays. So, I tried to think of a story that might work for that.

Perhaps we could do a play where a handsome prince is turned into a magnificent black bird by an eeeeeeevil witch who used the Philosopher's Stone because she's jealous that he doesn't return her affections. The witch... let's call her Lujei... also puts a curse on a beautiful Princess, Lady Susumiana of the lost kingdom of magic, stripping her of her status and title and power. Susumiana must travel a lengthy journey to the great sorcerer forced into hiding by a bad reputation; Vashine, to borrow his strength to remove her curse as well as that of her arranged betrothed. Vashine, so busy dealing with a much darker sorcerer... Calvaros, sends along instead his esteemed body guard. A noble knight Alphonse! This knight, cursed by Calvaros, can never show his face except to one who truly loves him.

Meanwhile, the prince escapes Lujei's eeeeevil clutches and having flown so far, he finally drops of exhaustion. A fairy Queen of the Night Sky, Yyvanis finds the poor prince and tends to his wounds with his magic.

"O poor bird, once a man, I can help you remove your curse if you help me defeat the evil Calvaros." She says and the Prince, so charmed by her beauty and kindness, could not refuse the offer.

In truth, as the Prince escaped, Calvaros came to the witch's tower and killed her, stealing the legendary stone that grants wishes all for himself. Rising to great power in a short time, only Susumiana, the noble knight, Vashine, the Prince, and the fairy queen would oppose him.

Into the night, Calvaros sends his dark riders led by a mighty demon, Grimlet to kill Susumiana and her four companions.

A great battle is fought, and when things look bad, the vengeful Lujei appears. Still as potent in death as she was in life she declares herself their ally on account of being bored and having nothing better to do while dead. She manages to remove the curse from Susumiana who returns to her full-powered mighty-princess-of-magic self, and they wipe out the dark riders and Grimlet! The prince, however, remains cursed, and only the power of the Philosopher's Stone will break his curse.

Lujei says there is another way, but because she's Lujei she obviously won't tell. "Besides," she says, "Since their marriage is arranged they may not have those kinds of feelings for each other anyway."

The five led by Susumiana and the Noble Knight, breech Calvaros' castle and confront the dark sorcerer. Susumiana wants to set things right, the Noble Knight wishes his curse removed, Vashine desires vengeance for all the pain and suffering Calvaros caused over his life, the Prince wishes to be human again and Lujei wants to patronize Calvaros in the after-life.

Magic spells fly, as Calvaros summons his demonic familiars and it's an epic battle. Susumiana, Yyvanis and Lujei counter his spells, and Vashine and the Noble Knight land the finishing blow.

Calvaros is not killed.

Rather, his magic is stripped away by a wish the Prince made on the Philospher's Stone. It's creator's power gone, the stone shatters into a thousand pieces, and Calvaros is a normal man who must live with the burden of his terrible sins.

The noble Knight, in his final strike against Calvaros, is mortally wounded. Susumiana, by his side, confesses that she has come to truly love the Knight. Her magic, stronger than ever, heals his wounds. His curse remains, but since Princess Susumiana is the only one who can see his handsome face has no complaints since it means she doesn't have to deal with competition.

The Prince confesses that, truly, his love is the Fairy Queen and she too reciprocates his feelings. The Prince is transformed back into his true self.

Vashine takes one look at Lujei and, despite being very beautiful, he makes the executive decision that there are other, less conniving, fish in the sea. His good name is restored and he becomes a knighted sorcerer, traveling between the two kingdoms and doing much good!

And Lujei gave Calvaros merry Hell for the rest of his life. And after life.

The end!

Gosh, I didn't expect it to be that long though...

alphonse, vash, mr. bird, haruhi, yyvaine, sneeky lillet

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