May 21, 2003 11:32
you were there for me
when I though all hope was lost,
you held me when I was in pain,
you cried with me when we hit what
seemed to be the worst, you protected
me from dagers unseen, you kept me strong,
and now your gone, I miss you, its been a month
now since that terrible day that the woman in the
blue police uniform came in and told us you had passed
away, a month since you were taken from me, I stand alone
now vonerable and broken to the world, I wish that I would
die that night of sinister night, but I knew I had to stay and
make you proud one last time,I wish you were here,but now
I guess I must say good-bye, I loved you more than I had shared,
Good-bye Daddy may you rest in peace in the beautiful heavens.