
Jul 05, 2014 10:29

The queen have received Ciel/Sebastian’s letter the day before (or before before day) and they get already the response?

Sebastien, him, can easily bring his letter in somes hours/minutes without been seen. No problems for him!

But a normal human?
I mean…John is departed from England one or two days before. We are in 19e century. No Channel Tunnel!!
Just the boat!
He have traversed the Channel, then the France and is entered in Germany in TWO days, maybe less!! With the SAME horse!!
And it’s not a télégraphe, it’s a letter written by the queen!! And he was in England when she have received Ciel’s letter (or Sebastien’s letter).

So? He’s not human!!

So what is he?
A Demon like Sebastien? I don’t think so….John seems by a GOOD person!! He cares about his queen and he’s loyal to England.

Maybe that ALL bulter of Victoria are not humans, they’re too perfect…

Perfects fighters, they can do anything, even sew something in few seconds without that Finny can see it!!

Earl Charles is very strange also.

The white butler, earl Charles, who have “killed” Sebastien is not very surprised to see him alive. He’s just “Ho? You are alive?” with just a look interested.
I mean….He should know that he have inflige him fatal injuries. A normal human  would have freaked or would be really surprised! Even for a minute! But Charles is “Ho? you’re alive?” like  if he asked “How is your family?”

You will say that Earl Charles is not really a “nice guy” but really?

- He have “killed” Sebastien but…if he have known about the demon, he have known that he doesn’t killed him!!

- He want to put Ciel guilty about a murders that he have does! But it seems be Queen’s punishment!!

- He have killed the german guy….well his fidelity to England is a little extreme.

- He have killed a other guy. Yeah but he was a criminal for the crown and the other Charles is like “you are a little too much violent”

- The next time that he see Ciel, It’s for give to him gift from the queen and “plays” with him!! He was more nice at this moment!

John was not affected by the dangers of the forest and by the curse also!!

(Like Sebastien right?!)

His horse seems be strange also. What horse can make a so great distance in two days? maybe less?

John is also very young. I mean, he acted like if he have known Victoria’s husband and known also how he acted with his wife!
He known perfectly his queen and known what say for make her happy!!
It’s mean that he’s here since a long time…but he’s young. VERY YOUNG.

For the period, first butler of the queen….and he have less of 30 ans!!

Strange right?

They’re too perfects!! REALLY!!
They’re all time in white!
They don’t like Sebastien.
They’re suspicious about Ciel.

And Sebastien don’t like them!! He’s pretty sarcastic and cold with them.

It’s the same perfection that Sebastien, but in more pure/white way!!


My theory: Victoria’s Butlers are kind of angels!! Not  important angels but always powerful angels!!

Maybe guardians Angels!

Yeah I don’t think that Charles is Gabriel or Michael ^^”

They have too much things to do in heaven for live with humans.

Because the author have say that Angels exist in Kuroshitsuji!! They’re canon!!! Well if they are….they’re more nice that in the anime…^^”

Maybe that it’s them who will save Ciel to the demon at the end!

I think that John is not departed at the end of the chapter 94!!

What do you think about my theorie?

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