really bizzaro dream!

Apr 28, 2007 13:59

so it started out that i kept calling 911 for small things, like fights breaking out and stuff (stuff that you shouldn't call the police for). Then I saw these two guys fighting, so i called 911 again, and the operator knew it was me and said "Listen Jessi, this is suppose to be fore emergencies..." just basically yelling at me, but then one of the guys started shooting! so i told the operator that it was turning into murder and i got really scared because it was right across the street and they could see me! So I started running away and everntually got caught by someone.

here's where it gets wierd!!

So the guy brings me in this huge like lecture hall type place where there is a bunch of other people that got caught too. A lot of them I go to school with and knew (at least in the dream I did, I don't think it was anyone I really knew) And there was the murder, who looked like this crazy mad scientist type guy, i remember him being very very creepy! Well these guys are going around handing out like quizzes, and it had the wrong answers circled with a big F written on it, basically saying that if you answered the quiz with the wrong answers you would fail and be killed.

Basically you were suppose to answer the quizzes to say weither or not you thought he was guilty, and obvisouly you had to say he wasn't. So we were all being held here and couldn't leave. There wasn't good security and i could probably escape but i was afraid to. So through out the dream I thought I should call my mom to tell her where I was, and Shemp (my puppy) kept coming in and he had these notes pinned to him. The notes were like hints and stuff for me on how to answer the quizzes correctly. I also snuck around te place trying to find a way out. I remember thinking the one thing i was most upset about was that we were gonna be there for days, but i had no clothes to change into (only what i was wearing).

I can't remember how it ended, but when I woke up I felt that wierd feeling like the dream actually happened!
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