being someone who doesn’t watch television or really very many movies is kind of a wild ride on tumblr but eventually you get the hang of just instantly postblocking any gifset you see that refers to a specific date the first time it appears, instead of letting it ride like you usually do with gifsets from shows that don’t mean anything to you because sometimes those get captions that explain them and then you can laugh at the joke or at least know what show it is. but anything that refers to a specific date, just postblock that shit the first time you see it, the entire joke is that that date is today and apparently for some reason that is novel every time. That’s it, that’s the joke, there’s nothing to get.
the heartbreak of it all, of course, is that on mobile, there is no postblock, so you have to scroll past that shit once for every fucking blog you follow, even if that blog is ostensibly about an unrelated theme, because here’s a fucking ironclad fact about people who post on Tumblr: they are absolutely crazy for a gifset that says what day it is, as referenced by some Popular Culture. Bitches love Popular Culture Gifsets About Today’s Date. It’s an immutable truth. It is universal. It is inexplicable.
I have a calendar you guys. I know what day it is. I don’t need Daniel Day-Lewis or whoever the fuck this is to comment on it. One thousand times.
In some tiny corner of my mind I am constantly thankful that the show with the white dude incest got less popular so they stopped doing this every single Tuesday. (Was it Tuesday? I think it was Tuesday. That was the first post I ever PostBlocked! I installed Xkit just for that. And to blacklist Dr. Whom, whatever the fuck that is. [it was a different dude every time but somehow it was all the same. amazing.] [please absolutely do not explain this to me i could not be less interested and still maintain a pulse.])
edited to add: i am a fool. a fool. of course everyone has independently made the same redundant gifset. PostBlock cannot handle this, and since none of them are tagged in any way, neither can BlackList.
enjoy your hopeless scrolling, you arrogant fool. Today is the Nth of X and you are going to be reminded of that at least once by every blog you follow, in a painstakingly-assembled gifset of some actor you can’t identify in a context you’ll never know. Your PostBlock is meaningless here.