So, I actually have several topics I want to cover, but I'm a little busy, so I think most of it will have to wait. The short breakdown is that my little sister (who's life is never not complicated, but is at least less pointlessly dramatic now than it was in high school) got to town yesterday. She and her husband will be moving to Hawai'i in a few months, but they have a dog and a cat and Hawai'i has a lot of rules about importing animals/pets and, for other complicated reasons, they need to get themselves out to the island before the dog and cat will be done with their tests, etc. SO. My parents are taking her dog in for a few months. Mongo is a male purebred English Bulldog. He has a beautiful white and brindle coat. My family has dealt only in hunting dogs (English Springer Spaniel and Labrador Retriever) in the past, so a lumpy bulldog is a bit of a change, but so far he's getting along fine with Shadow (black lab) and is really enjoying anytime-access to a back yard. On account of my mom's allergies, they can't take Izzy, the cat, so I offered. Assuming the apartment management stays ignorant, there's really no harm in my taking her and... well, I've really missed having a cat. Mostly I'm just missing having a particular cat, but in general cat company is a good thing in my mind. For other reasons, which I won't go into right now, I've been more or less decided on rehoming my parrotlets. Now that a cat's coming to share the apartment, this has become a bit more of a priority. Anybody interested in a fiesty pair of parrotlets? There's a rehoming fee, but I've got a little wiggle room there.
At any rate, it's always great to see my sister. Game Night at the Ellicott Huxman's should be on this week so that's an extra bonus. I recently got paid for a commission, which was fun. I'd love to get more commissions, but some people are terrible to try to work with/for. Anyway, if you want to see my work at all, it's up on my website.
Somewhere around here... And I guess that's it for now. Back to cat-proofing the apartment.