My computer problems seem to be over for the time being. I tried a few long-shots this evening after work and lo and behold-- one of them worked! HP was no help. I'm glad that I don't have to call them again. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about XP, maybe it's just not going to happen. I might look into dual-booting Linux, if I can verify that my scanner software will be compatible (it doesn't work with Vista, which was really the driving reason for trying to multiboot XP). Ironically, I'm leaving town at 9am to go camping overnight with my parents, so I won't be on again until Monday night, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be ON Monday night. Deal with it.
So I forgot to mention that I'm officially published now, check it out: That's right-- I'm a professional.
... Well, as long as I can call myself a professional despite not actually getting any money for the work yet. But by the end of the quarter, assuming someone buys a copy, I'll receive a check!! So there. Consider it for your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, etc. Maybe mention to your local library what an excellent and insightful book it is. :D
/shameless self-promotion