May 30, 2007 23:16
I guess I haven't really posted in quite a while, so, yeah... Here's how my life's been going as of late.
- My car has broken twice since the summer began, and is finally repaired. I'm hoping that it stays in good shape for the rest of the summer. But, with gas prices the way they are, I really haven't been going much of anywhere. So, here's to the several thousand dollars my dad made in repairs, and the several weeks I've spent at home, and to the ever rising gas prices that'll keep me here until they get their act together.
- I've added two new additions to my family - Banana and Sprinkles, both apple snails who now keep my Rommel-fish company. They're pretty sweet, I have to say.
- I can't afford to go to BG to help at the herp lab, and I feel kinda bad about that.... I'm probably going to send Jerrod a Facebook message apologizing for it, and to check the status of the corn snake hatchlings. I've got my fingers crossed for a creamsicle with a good disposition and a proper appetite.
- Casey and I are doing great, I have to say. I feel kinda different about this one, so, I suppose that's a good sign, since he and I get along rather well. I'm hoping for good things, to say the very least.
- I've been outrageously itchy lately. It's kinda great to wake up with bloody spots on your sheets because you've itched yourself until you bleed. That, and being covered in a bunch of broken blood vessels because of the itching thing. Yep, it's really great.
- I work out every day for around an hour and fifteen minutes. It feels so good to be active again, and I notice that my resistance is building up as to how much work I can physically tolerate. It's an accomplisment, at least, and I am starting to feel a bit better about myself because of it. My whole self image thing is finally improving, and that's definitely a major plus.
- I still don't have a job. I've been to two open interviewing sessions, but, obviously, I'm not doing well. I guess I just have to keep trying. I'm at least making some money for doing the family's laundry, dishes, and being on call to cook dinner. Fifteen bucks a week is better than no pay at all, I suppose.
I guess, all in all, one could say my life is going rather good as of right now. I just have to keep working at everything.