Neurotically Yours - ch 4

Jul 07, 2010 04:10

Fandom: Harry Potter
Summery: What if everything in Harry’s life ended up making the boy savior a bit more then slightly insane? What could have happened with a wizard as power as him running around not being right in the head. Would he be another dark lord? A light wizard?
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter it was be a truly twisted place to amuse me and my twisted brain and as all you would get by suing me is a handful of pocket lint you can wisely assume I’m making nothing from this either… Also don’t own Foamy and anything you see that reminds you of it doesn’t belong to me as well…

He didn’t even try to pretend to be happy at the feast that night and had even gone so far as to avoid it for as long as possible, but eventually even Severus had to come much as he may dislike such events which meant Harry had to come too. An elf had come by earlier and taken his things back to the dorm while he was talking to Dumbledore which had only made him even less happy though there had been a spot of brightness when Severus told him he was free to stay after class and help anytime he wanted.

He ate very little and noticed even less of what was going on around him even so much as to miss the looks from various people and the names of his new house mates. His world was shattered around him again and he could do nothing to fix it he would happily play monk in his dorm if it meant he could have avoided this, but he hadn’t asked after all Dumbledore didn’t care him and that smile of his just kept breaking his world around him.

When the feast was over, the treacle of deserts and good food cleared from the table, he was not glad to be heading to the dorms. He would have preferred to be going with Severus to his room, some may say it was cellar, but it was comforting to him. As he passed though the common room he caught snatches of conversations “Why is it that you're so energetic while I feel like dying?" “I’m just excited” "Look at all the blubber. I disgust myself." “Oh hush you’re not fat I promise.” "I would do anything to get some peace and quiet around here. Anything, I swear!" That last one he had to agree with and it was why he kept going right to the stairs even as he idly wondered if he could transfigure something into a rifle or some other gun and just put himself out of his misery.

Severus took care to catch the boy over the next few days at meals and such watching as he withdrew again and it rather annoyed him, but when he brought it up to Albus the man just gave him a smile and said it would all be well. He left the man’s office with a muttered "I am surrounded by morons.” Even as he headed towards his classroom to be ready for Harry’s Class. He might be a senticous man known for his sevidical ways but he really wasn’t a bad man he just had an urge to pudify those bonifate few who seemed misqueme him. He was sure it made some think of magistricide, but he didn’t care he just wanted to keep even the foppotee among them alive because it would be too much trouble otherwise.

The only bright spots in the year so far were his classes with Severus because Harry always got to stay after and help him with potions ingredients, he was getting rather good at it actually the older man even said so. He of course didn’t bother to share that with anyone, but it still made his world just that much better to hear he was keeping Severus happy. It was Halloween when though when things would take a turn once more as he walked towards the feast with the older man, both wearing nothing more then their basic black robes. It was just a quite whispering at first and he questioned Severus if he heard it, but the older man said he didn’t. Slowly it got louder though until he could hear words and without thought he muttered a "Shhh. Listen carefully. Can you hear that?" as he cocked his head listening to the voice and paling as he realized what it was talking about blood and death “Kill? Who would be talking about killing in the middle of the school?” he questioned in a low tone.

Severus gave the boy a hard look even as he tried to listen, but he couldn’t hear… hissing? The potions master moved closer to the wall listening his eye widening as he resisted the odd urge to whistle when he heard it again, closer this time. It was hissing and coming from the walls. “You hear that from around here?” he questioned Harry indicating a part of the wall earning him a nod. He couldn’t help his mind running over how he could use this news even as he tried to decide what to do about it. He settled a hand on Harry’s shoulder “Don’t worry about it Harry everything will be well.” He assured the Hufflepuff even as he led them towards the feast.

The news of the message on the wall later that night upset Harry greatly especially when he heard that Filch’s cat was found near it and he couldn’t help thinking it had something to do with that voice. Severus told him not to worry about it though and to tell him if he heard it again so he tried to push it out of his mind which was made easier by Dudley and Draco who both suddenly wanted to talk to him. Dudley had tried to convince him that Vernon hadn’t told him about Harry being given to Dumbledore, but that just didn’t make any sense why would Vernon leave Dudley out of something. Draco said the same and it was slightly easier to believe Draco, but it still sent more splinters though his world that either could be true. They said they hadn’t had a thing to do with it and that they had been happy with Harry, but in the end it had been to much for him to try and understand.

He had run away from them unconsciously seeking out the comfort of Severus’s room which he entered easily because while the password had been changed his magic reacted to his emotional state and shifted the wards around the room enough to get Harry in. He had retreated to ‘his room’ curling on the bed and crying trying to make sense of anything in his once more shattered mind. It just didn’t work, it didn’t.

Severus had returned to his rooms that night about a week after the feast and knew instantly that something was wrong. His wards felt wrong somehow, but it wasn’t until he found Harry sleeping with dried tear tracks on his face that he even had a vague clue. He had only known one other parselmouth personally and that had been Voldemort, a very powerful and very dark wizard, but he had heard tales of others and wondered if maybe that was something their kind shared: magical strength because the ‘damage’ to his wards almost seemed like something wild magic would cause. If Harry’s magic had reacted getting him in here then he really had made the right choice in trying to make Harry reliant on him.

It had taken him some time after waking Harry to get the story of what had happened, but once he had he had promised to get Harry the truth. It had taken him till the winter holiday to get the chance to leave so he could question Vernon, but he took the chance when he got it and wasn’t sure weather to be pleased with the reply or not, but he didn’t want to push Harry away for any reason so he passed on the truth that Dudley hadn’t known truthfully. It turned out to be good for him in the end because it made Harry even more grateful to him and he couldn’t help being pleased with how Harry was coming to him when he needed anything and all but ran from Albus.

After Severus told him the truth, which sent more cracks though his world after all why didn’t Vernon tell Dudley it just didn’t seem right in Harry’s mind, he cautiously let Dudley and Draco back into his broken world. They did help some in healing him once more as they included him in their plans and worked out his various other problems for him as they once had, but they weren’t perfect not when they just gave him funny looks when he heard ‘the voice’ again.

It was not long after the winter holidays that the dueling club was started. Harry wasn’t sure why he signed up or went, but somehow Draco and Dudley had talked him into it so he went. He couldn’t help a true grin when Lockheart tried to duel Severus, it really was amusing to see Severus put so little effort into it and yet Lockheart got disarmed so quickly, but it faded quickly when the man called him and Draco up to duel. He didn’t know why he wanted him and Draco to duel, but Harry knew he couldn’t do it he couldn’t cast against Draco it was wrong.

He swallowed hard standing there watching Draco, but then Severus told Draco something and caught his gaze so he decided to try and go along with it. They would make it right he just knew it so he easily moved into Dueling form and waited as Draco raised his wand. With a firm “Serpensortia” Harry could do nothing but gasp and stare at the snake that flew from the other’s wand until it turned towards Justin. He reacted without thinking advancing on the snake “Back off.” He informed it causing the cobra to turn towards him before looking back at Justin once more “Back off!” he repeated before he caught a movement from the corner of his eye and the snake was gone again causing him to exhale loudly and turn to Draco “Why did you do that?” he just wanted to know why Draco had used such a dangerous spell, but the look on Draco and /everyone’s/ face now that he noticed was unsettling.

He was rather glad when Severus came over with Draco settling a hand on his shoulder assuring him he would explain, but that they should go now. He nodded easily followed Severus to his room barely registering that Draco and Dudley were following them. When Severus explained that he had told Draco to use the spell because he knew Harry would control the snake it had taken some work to convince Harry that he had been speaking a different language to the snake, but when Severus explained about the first time he had heard ‘The Voice’ he was more willing to believe it.

From there Severus explained his thoughts about the Chamber containing a snake, though he didn’t know what kind, and what he knew about Parseltongue including all the users he knew. Harry had been surprised to learn that Severus had once severed the man who had killed his parents, but that he had ‘turned spy’ for Dumbledore when the man had said if he didn’t it would cost Lilly her life.

Severus was still severely bitter about the way Albus had used his love for Lilly and while he didn’t entirely agree with Voldemort’s ways he had always preferred them even if they were painful he preferred that to being manipulated into causing the death of the woman he loved. While he might never have wanted to see all Muggles dead he certainly never had any love for them either and it was that among other things that had driven him to Voldemort. He was careful how he explained it to the three boys, not telling them why he disliked muggles beyond that his father was one, but he knew he wasn’t perfect and didn’t want to hide it from them especially Harry he wanted the boy to trust him, need him even it would be perfect for things to come he was sure of that.

It took Harry some days after that to take everything in. The news that Severus had once been among the followers of the man that killed his parents had been just one more crack in his world, but knowing that Severus still needed him helped to patch the latest fracture. His world really was becoming quite complex, but in the end he decided that Severus knew him, accepted him, and needed him the same for Draco and Dudley so they must be ok.

That knowledge let Harry fall closer to the three their needs dictating his greatly not that he noticed or cared. He kept up his own work, but with the knowledge of Harry being a parselmouth and more on ‘The Voice’ Dudley and Draco had become as interested in solving the mystery of ‘The Chamber Of Secrets’ as Severus had been all along, though Harry hadn’t known as much until after the duel. It wasn’t until the message on the way talking about someone being taken to the chamber that things really got interesting though.

They knew things needed to be done, but it was Severus remember the tale of the dead girl that things finally got somewhere. One chat with an annoying ghost later the four managed to find the entrance to the chamber and with some hesitation as they still weren’t sure what sort of snake lay ahead they jumped down the hole. None of them would ever claim to be heroes, but none of them had it in them to leave a first year down there to die without at least trying to save her if they could. The only acceptation was Harry who could care less, he was there because the other three wanted to be.

Another Parseltongue opened door later and the four found themselves going down a walkway that had statures of large snake heads on either side. When they spotted a pale red haired body on the floor Harry rushed forward to it without a second thought kneeling by the form shaking her and trying to wake her. A cold sounding voice offering a “She won’t be waking up.” Which caused Harry to look up from the girl. Catching site of someone who looked a lot like him he couldn’t help blinking at the other as he pulled himself to his feet.

Severus quickly held up his hands out stopping Draco and Dudley when he spotted the boy. He might never have seen him at that age, but Severus knew Voldemort when he saw him and he knew better then to go charging in when he was involved. They would need to think this though so he kept himself and the boys hidden waiting to see what Voldemort had planned. He might not know how Voldemort was here or so young, but until he had some answers it was just safer to watch.

category: fanfiction, fic: neurotically yours, fandom: harry potter

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