May 16, 2005 23:18
We have definitely decided we are giving up the expensive cardboard box we live in and moving on to brighter horizons. We are looking at renting to own a beautiful house in Valdese. It has 4 br and a full basement which is awesome b/c I have always wanted a house with a full basement. We have been enjoying life for a change. We have been going bowling, out to eat, and are going to see Starwars III next week I believe it is. Gaming is good and we actually have a new variety of people hanging out now. Its so weird, people come and they go but there always seems to be an abundance of friends here. Lots of love to you guys, you are great. I really enjoy the company lately. We are doing new things and it is awesome. New look to old situations. I am content lately except for the sinus infection. It has been kicking my butt. Well anyway nothing else to say so Im off. I rarely write or respond anymore on here but then again not much to respond to. Seems like everyone is doing good and I hope it continues to go that way. Peace.