they printed it!

Jul 29, 2006 00:57

or at least posted it on the website; i don't subscribe to the roseville press-tribune.

letter to the editor

what's really cool is that it was posted first, and the subject was used as the headline for the column. whoooofuckinghoooo!! i feel so powerful, but really, it's fadda auros who wrote the bulk of it. the first and last paragraph are mine; the meat of it is his. and earlier tonight when i was at the bank, a woman in a beat up pickup with angelides for governor stickers and other lefty/anti-bush ones had pulled into the parking lot as i was leaving. i slowed down and yelled out the window, "i love your bumper stickers!!" and gave her two big thumbs up. she yelled back, "thank you! it's nice to hear it!"

i keep hearing that in the top congressional districts around the country that are in play this time, that polls are trending democrat in ever increasing numbers. i'm hoping against hope that we get a chance to take back at least the house this time, if not both houses of congress. the threat of vote tampering/theft is a real one, and in more than just ohio and florida. it's the one thing about the upcoming election that still has me scared shitless. is it too late to ask for UN election observers for november?
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