Third Time's the Charm

Jul 11, 2015 03:18

So here we go!

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant (woo!). I've been meaning to make a post on here about it, but just didn't have the time or energy.

Going through two miscarriages has made this pregnancy a rather nerve-wracking experience so far. Though with each passing week, I feel more and more confident that I will carry this baby to term.

Things about this pregnancy definitely felt different than the first two. My nausea was much worse. Some days felt like I had food poisoning, but fortunate for me, I still never threw up. By the time I entered the second trimester, nausea became almost non-existent.

As early as eight or nine weeks, I began experiencing what's called "round ligament pains". These stabbing pains in the side are quite common and an indication that my ligaments and ab muscles are stretching to accommodate the baby. I definitely did not experience any of this during my first two pregnancies.

I had some scares, though. At one point, maybe around 4 weeks or so, I was cramping AND bleeding at the same time. That's a terrifying combination, but the bleeding was brief, mostly dark brown and passed after a few days. I bled a little bit off and on for about two weeks, but then it went away completely.

It sucked not telling a lot of people about the pregnancy, but after what we went through with the first pregnancy, I did not want to relive the horrible disappointment and grief of informing people we miscarried. Only three people aside from Denver and myself knew I was pregnant the second time, so not a lot of people knew I had a second miscarriage. Heck, I didn't tell my mother I had a second one until almost three months after the fact, and that was mainly because she was still dealing with my step dad's death.

I know it sounds awful, but my friend Angela brought up the fact that, since someone I knew had a miscarriage recently that it may mean I won't have one. My awesome hygienist, Garilee, had a miscarriage three months ago at about 5 weeks. I was heartbroken for her when I found out. At the time, though, I was about 8 or 9 weeks and if statics are to be believed, 1 out of 4 women will have a miscarriage. Garilee was the 20%.

Meh, morbid thoughts. But hey, she's pregnant again, woo! That reminds me that I need to check in with her.

Tonight I finally started a baby registry. I've already added a stroller, car seat and nursing pillow. The stroller and car seat are some of the major items I'm glad to have off my list already. I have a bassinet already so don't need one of those. Just need a crib...ugh, that's going to be a bitch to find.

So yeah, we're having a baby girl. I kind of knew we were having a girl about two weeks into the pregnancy. Is it because of a sixth sense women have? Nope. I used SCIENCE and LOGIC to come up with that conclusion. Much of the reading I've done about how to conceive a boy or girl said that if you want to have a girl, you need to have sex about one or two days before you ovulate and if you want to have a boy, to have sex the day of or the day after you ovulate. This is because the sperm carrying the X chromosomes last longer than the others.

So with this said, I'd like to point out that Denver insisted on having sex two days before my ovulation period, meaning I conceived on the first day of my ovulation period. Considering I began experiencing morning sickness days BEFORE my expected period, I figured I conceived much earlier than anticipated. After my doctor confirmed how far along I was at my nine week appointment, it was further proof that we were going to have a girl (and-it's-all-Denver's-fault). I explained all of this to Jake and he told me I was "the Spock of pregnancies" because of how logical I was being.

I WAS RIGHT, THOUGH. Then again, I had a 50% chance of being right.

I'm actually excited to have a girl. Even though Denver and I always talked about wanting ONLY boys, I secretly wanted a little girl. It doesn't help that all my friends from high school who've had babies in the past year or so had girls, and I see all their adorable pictures. Denver has expressed concerns about having a daughter for the same reasons I do. We're worried about her teenage years when peer pressure will dominate her life. I'm also reminded of Marshall from HIMYM not wanting a daughter because he didn't want her to become a stripper.

I want to believe we'll raise a good daughter who will always love and respect herself, but the media is harsh. That's we neeD to work on self-image and beauty standards. It will be hard, but it can be done.

So some fun tidbits I'd like to share about being pregnant:

-Baby girl started kicking my cervix the other day. I can't tell you how weird that feels, like she's trying to bust out of me.

-I feel like I don't look pregnant but rather just fat. I know I've gained more weight than I should have thus far, so I'm trying to maintain my weight for a few weeks and start gaining weight again slowly.

-I never had to wake up in the middle of the night to pee but now I do it at least twice, if not more. IT SUCKS.

-I haven't had any weird food cravings except for chili dogs. I've attempted to satisfy my craving on two different occasions, but both times were incredibly disappointing. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect chili dog.

-Sex dreams are more prevalent and REALLY WEIRD. I went a while without any but last night they started up again.

-Some pregnant women supposedly have SCENT cravings to weird smells like Pine Sol. I can tell you with confidence that I am NOT one of these women. Pine Sol made me want to puke the other day.

-I've been suffering from what's called "pregnancy brain." One particular goof I seem to keep doing is running laundry but forgetting to put detergent in, thus resulting in me washing the clothes twice.

And now I go to sleep!

denver, event, baby

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