Oooh, yesterday was beyond awesome!
As an early Christmas gift,
eaglem16 bought us both Trans-Siberian Orchestra tickets. We made it into a date and ate out ate Dion's just before the concert. It was surprisingly good pizza, for being the first time I'd ever tried it. Not as great as Pizza Hut, but then, I am biased.
Parking wasn't too much of a hassle, and I didn't realize Tingley Coliseum was on State Fairgrounds until we actually got there. Slow bunny. Anyways, we found our seats and settled in. Cheetah asked what time it was and, as if on cue, the lights dimmed and the show started.
Mind-blowing? Mesmeric? Orgasmic? Uh-huh!
Oh my god, the show was so insane. They pull no punches, with flamethrowers, pyrotechnics, and lights that could induce epilipsy. The first half of the show was their Christmas programming, followed by a random mix of their other works. The concert started off extremely strong, with one of my favorite TSO songs "Wizards of the Winter", and just kept going. It was like an adrenaline rush the whole time! I was actually really thankful for the slower songs and intermission, because it gave us a chance to take a breath and let our heartrate go down. They played everything from Queen of the Winter Snow (another of my favorites) to Flight of the Bumblebee (OMFG, orgasmic) and, at one point, I wondered to myself "I wonder if the TSO has ever done their take on Hall of the Mountain King?" And then, incredibly, their next song was, indeed, Beethoven's 5th (aka Hall of the Mountain King). I can't imagine the hell it must be to set up the stuff they use, plus coordinate the light show. It was even calibrated specifically for Tingley! If ever I became President, I would make it manditory for every American to attend this show! Heheh... it was such a magical night! I can't belive my Cheetah would find such a wonderful gift. I am so glad we got to watch it together; we would cuddle together whenever something spectacular happned.
Ooh, that reminds me: there were two girls behind us who I overheard saying "Oh look, those two guys are gay." They went on to whisper about us and giggle. They weren't really saying anything stupid, but I was still thinking about turning around and embarassing them by responding to their whispered conversation "Actually, I'm bi." Later on, I noticed the two of them laying in each others arms and holding hands. Interestingly, two older women were sitting a row above them, and I heard them clucking "OMG, are they gay!? I hope they don't ruin the show!"
Ok, yeah. We're supposed to ruin it how? Ugh... retards. We enjoyed the night thoroughly, and I got to sleep over in the Spottycat's barn.
Anyways... today was cool. I randomly encountered Jessie, Chris, and John in Lapo. On the way back to my dorm, we encountered another one of the guys from Gamer's Club, who started talking trash about my Smash skills. Oh, it was on!! We all gathered together in my room and played a few hours worth of Smash. Man, I am getting good with Fox's blink. Further on, my Peach hideously raped the lot of them. I mean, how bad is it when you've brought all three of your foes down to 2 or less lives (out of 4 lives total) and they haven't inflicted ANY damage on you yet? It was a groove. I didn't know Peach had grooves. Later on, the Cheetah stopped by after a staff meeting and we took my roommate to the Greyhound bus station. Apparently, he's being deported back to Ohio. Not to be mean, but I really like the room with him gone. The first thing we did was rearrange it into a really comfy big bed. I wonder how much a Single room costs...?