Marine Corp Birthday today! Have some cake!
Bustling at the farm! Black Widows! Ant Armies! Panthers! Life here at the New Shire Farm.
Pepper (seated) and Mo-ma.
I wonder what will be our new farm's name. It might be the Newshire Farm. It might be, The Little Farm. It might be Frank. We'll see. (it won't be Frank) We're still moving in.
I spoke to Asst Chief of Police in Clinton today about the HR-218. Part of the problem is the name. Names are so important. He calls it something else, so when I call and ask him about it there is confusion. But he seems to be a sharp tack. Awesome! Progress on that front.
Always remember: It is home improvement and not home perfection. God! I wish someone told me that 20 years ago. We're wrapping our heads around thing like, how to take out an ant's nest, and what does a black widow's web look like.
Black Widows are shy and rarely bite. Ants are crazy down here. Think about an ant; they're small compared to me, and yet if I get too close they think of nothing except, ATTACK! DIE MOTHER EFFER! That's like, going at Mount Everest with a a shovel.
For you just tuning in, Mount Everest is quite large.
The weather here is beautiful. I don't think you could write in a novel, It was a warm, November day, but it would be fact here. It's like 80 degrees outside and I have to keep working or winterizing things. That's something else you can't put into a novel. It was a cold day in North Carolina. It's just weird, but it does get warm in November and it does get cold.
Right now, the weather is mighty nice.