Saturday morning involved a large reshuffling of the museum work areas. We shifted the rolling stock workbench to another room. It wasn't much effort, but the drawers still need to be emptied and their contents redistributed to the cabinets around the new work area. I then helped run wires and set up the dispatcher's workstation in the area that had just been cleared. Originally, we had the computer for the dispatcher set up in the helix that connects the top deck of the layout to the lower decks of the layout. Considering that you have to crawl under part of the layout to get to it, we've realized that set up was a Bad Idea.
After everything was set up and we checked that it was working correctly, I got a little demo of the dispatcher's software that we plan to use. Howard has been busy placing sensors around the layout so we can detect when a block is occupied by a train. However, to make it work correctly, we have to install small resistors on each piece of rolling stock. The slight drop in voltage is enough for the system to "see" there is a car on the track. The software also can detect whether turnouts are opened or closed, and can control signals--as long as you have them wired into the system.
It is pretty cool. The software is free, though the author asks for donations. If I pick this up for my own layout, I'll be donating....
Continuing Our Busy Day
The husband of one of
ealdthryth's co-workers passed away unexpectedly last week, and the funeral was Saturday. I had to scramble a bit to get home in time to change clothes, and we got to the funeral home just a few minutes before the service (and heavy rain) started.
Because we were "in town" we decided to run a few shopping errands following the memorial service. I found a great and comfy recliner that fits with the style we want, but it was moderately expensive, and we aren't sure what it is made of--my sweetie and I object to too many artificial materials being in our furniture. I joked that we'd get stalked around the store because we were dressed up, and I was right.
After checking the other offerings at the furniture store, we headed out to dinner for our delayed anniversary date. It was an OK meal (but not great), and we got a lot of stares because everyone else was dressed much more casually than us. By the time we left, the other folks who had attended the graveside service had come into the restaurant, so we were no longer overdressed compared to the rest of the customers.
We also further stimulated the economy by shopping after dinner. We got some really good deals, but we also probably had a few too many impulse purchases considering the upcoming HVAC replacement. We didn't get home until nearly 10pm, so our day was really long....
Yard Progress
ealdthryth and I made more progress on the transformation of Ealdercote's landscaping. Sunday afternoon, we connected the mulched areas around the two survivng Bradford Pear trees. It took a few hours, and I had to go fetch another load of pine straw. We're pretty pleased with the result, and my sweetie gleefully pulled up all the marker flags that had defined the perimeter of the completed areas.
I've got plenty more pine straw. The remaining section should be covered by half of what I have left, so I have enough to redo the area around the crepe myrtles, too. Nice how that worked out.
Owie Once Fu
Poor Ignatius seemed to be in pain Saturday morning. My sweetie reports that our tabby was yowling and acted like he needed to use the litter box. We've kept an eye on him since then, and he seems to be OK for now. I hope we aren't going to have an emergency trip to the vet. :(
Owie Twice Fu
We also managed to capture the elusive Kiera Sunday evening! She hissed at me when I first caught her, and Ælfgifu made strange noises at her when she saw Kiera had been corralled.
Claw trimming and an extended bit of brushing occurred before Kiera turned into a furry Cuisinart. She tried to hide her face while the claw trimming was in progress, and she put up with the brushing with good grace for several minutes. However, when she was DONE, she flailed and gave me a good scratch across the shin during her bid for escape. Afterwards, she hid under our bed, peering out resentfully at us....
Ignatius and Josie love being brushed, but Kiera and Ælf do not. Shrug
Owie Thrice Fu
My poor sweetie fed the kitties Saturday morning, and managed to cut herself on the lid of the tinned food. The cats were indifferent to her suffering and continued to demand food. Sigh