Aug 07, 2013 11:26
It didn't rain that hard, why did the water heater's fire get snuffed...twice?!? My sweetie forgot to inform me that the water heater's flame had been flooded out again yesterday, so I had to go out around 10pm after she got home, and crawl around under the house to relight the pilot. The water pooled around the tank was low enough that it should have been fine by this morning.
It wasn't. Sometime in the night, the water level rose enough or an excess of steam doused the flame again. My shower was mighty chilly, and I didn't appreciate it much. I went back down under the house and re-relit the pilot light. I'm starting to get very angry about this whole situation. I don't understand how the builder/plumbers could be so incompetent about grading and placement of infrastructure.
Of course, my perception about how hard it rained is incorrect. My drive into work showed all the ditches up until I got on the Interstate were flooded. I nearly hydroplaned into a mailbox where the water had gotten up onto the road. Good thing I was driving cautiously.
Climbing Gear Fu
This week's theme seems to be kitty claws. AElfgifu tried to scramble up her tower after I got home, but got stuck. She kept trying to free her claws, and started getting grumbly when she couldn't let go immediately. After some frantic tugging and growling, she managed to get loose and flopped onto her perch, nermalling happily in a sudden mood swing.
She is such a tortie....
I'm a bit behind schedule, but last month was supposed to be about decluttering books. We did rather poorly. To make up for it last night, I pretty much eliminated an entire shelf's worth of paperbacks and one hardcover series from our collection. I realized that I've read some of those books multiple times, and I am not likely to read them again. Some of them have simply been hanging around for years, occupying shelf space and making us feel well-read. Some of the books I've "outgrown(?)", and I don't feel particularly nostalgic about them.
Once they leave the house I'll feel more liberated.
Books from overburdened shelves were shifted into the newly available space.