Last week involved a lot of telecommuting. Something in the air sent my sinuses for a real loop, and it tried to lodge in my chest. It was doubly annoying because we had planned to go to Crown Tournament as of two days before the sinus crud showed up for a Visitation and triply annoying because I had been asked to do part of the Court ceremony.
ealdthryth seems to have caught the edge of it, but thanks to something the doctor had prescribed a few weeks ago, she manage to shake it off more quickly than I did. I've got residual stuff and I really want it to go away--I've GOT to mow down all the waist-high weeds that populate our yard. The excessive drenchpours of the last few days really made the green parts of the lawn grow excessively tall.
Crown Tournament
We arranged for a mini-vacation around going to Crown Tournament. Although we've semi-retired from the SCA, some special occasions can entice us out from Ealdercote and our current suite of distractions. In this case, it was the elevation of Cecilia Blythe to the Order of the Pelican. We had about a week to arrange our travel and accommodations and we were a bit rusty in the fixing' to go to an event preparation activities. I made an effort to haul some of our gear out of storage, and it was worth the effort. We may have slightly more incentive to start attending more events in the next year or so, but nowhere near the 18+ events per year we were up to a couple of years ago.
It was exciting watching the final rounds of the tournament, and we were happy to see Sinclair make the finals--we really thought he had a good chance of winning Crown again. All that training for Battle of the Nations may give him enough of an edge for next time.
Our mini-vacation concluded with another rain delay, but the weather was quite nice for the trip home, and we even made a side trip to a hobby store on the way home--as a break, and to delay us just enough to keep out of rush hour traffic around a major metropolitan area.
We Missed You Fu
Josie and Ignatius were obviously pleased that we returned, and AElf' did not do her usual snubbing routine. Magnus and Maddy took good care of our kitties in our absence (as usual). Josie was quite talkative and did a lot of rolling dives and nermalling on the library rug to show us how happy she was.
At the Movies
Part of the mini-vacation included getting to see Iron Man 3 in 3D. I think this one was probably the best of the three movies in the series. It had the right blend of humor and action. The Paternal Unit joined us, and even though he didn't read comic books when he was growing up, he seemed to really enjoy the movie.