After spending Saturday continuing the re-re-wiring project and having a fantastic meal at Lindsey Graham's place (yes, THAT Lindsey Graham) we refocussed our efforts to improve Ealdercote.
ealdthryth started by pulling up the carpet near the fireplace while I cut it free from the office. We then spent the remainder of the afternoon picking staples out of the carpet and removing the tack strips so we can roll up the carpet and underlayment. To my annoyance, the little island of hardwood flooring in front of the fireplace is actually attached to the sub-subfloor, so what should have been a simple project has become a little more aggravating. At least I don't have to go purchase another sheet of subfloor. The remainder from the last section we did will work just fine.
The cats were very happy to try and help us with the carpet. They figured it was open season on clawing the carpet since the Momma and Daddy were digging away, too. How sweet!
Unfortunately, we forgot how abrasive the jute backing of the carpet is, so my knuckles are looking a lot worse for wear....
Walk Around The Block
ealdthryth is trying to cultivate a new healthy habit by taking a walk around the neighborhood each weekend. We've managed to be pretty consistent, but two weekends in a row isn't exactly a change in habit yet. The cold air on our abraded knuckles did not feel so good.
Angry Fu
AElfgifu does not like to be brought upstairs any more. She seemed content enough in my arms, but once I put her down, she hissed and growled. Alas, Josie and Ignatius blocked her escape route, so hissing ensued, followed by a mad dash to the staircase, a fight, a flight, and a bunch of kitties warily watching AElffgifu prowl the top of the cabinets. sigh