The foolish voting population who live in the "lower part" of our state have proved their idiocy and may have doomed our country to another several years of regressive policy making. Our former goobernor who was appropriately maligned for his personal infidelity and inconsistent behavior with his so-called conservative principles nearly won the primary that would set him up to be elected to Congress. Our only hope is the runoff election will bump him out, because there is no way those folks would ever be able to manage to elect a Democrat.
I'm wishing he had stayed on his "hike".
Not a Bad Investment
A cup of plain average-flavored coffee from the cafeteria is about $0.80 per dose. $0.35 if I am desperate enough for caffeine and have spare change to get a cup of something that tastes almost but not quite totally unlike coffee-flavored damp sand from the insta-grind vending machine. If I buy coffee from the barista, it is closer to $2 for something with a little more flavor and pizazz. I avoid going for this last option, because even if it tastes better than cafeteria coffee, it is not $1.20 better.
So. $14 for a bag of coffee beans. $14 for a K-cup insert. I'm not sure how much it cost us for the grinder
ealdthryth bought to grind up seeds for her green drinks, but I'll bet it was under $20. It only takes a teaspoon of coffee grounds to make a decent cup for me. $48 worth of mid-range coffee prepared for me is about 60 cups of coffee. I'm pretty sure I'll get more cups than that out of my investment, plus I have more control over the flavor.
If I am insistent on continuing to consume coffee, I now have something economical and a good bit more eco-friendly at my disposal. And the cool thing is that I can switch up and throw tea leaves in there (more eco-friendly than a pre-packaged bag) instead. Versatile!
Wigged Out Fu
Another step has been accomplished towards Phase II reflooring of Ealdercote. We moved the entertainment center into the library. WOW. It is CROWDED in there now. If the weather holds, we may take the couch to the Re-Store or Goodwill on Saturday. The sorting center can remain where it is until we start pulling up carpet. Other than my laptop and junk, there isn't a lot left to store elsewhere.
Of course, all of this is CHANGE. I am obviously agitated by it but can rationalize it as a necessary step towards home improvement, but the cats are completely freaked out that we moved a major piece of furniture. Again. Kiera had no idea where to hide. Wait will we get rid of the couch! AElf' and Ignatius had to investigate the new arrangement (kids, this is the SAME FURNITURE you already walk, sleep, fight, and barf on all the time--it ain't NEW). Josie started running anytime we got within visual range, so it is apparent she isn't OK with the move yet.
Hopefully, by the end of the Easter holiday, we'll have a major portion of the transformation completed. This project simply underscores that in this respect,
ealdthryth and I are polar opposites. She is energized by the changes whereas they have the opposite effect on me. Maybe it isn't the change but the transition that gets on my nerves. Breaking the existing order to impose a new order--the chaos in the middle is the problem.
This week has been one of assessment. Where I was a little over a year ago versus where I am now. In spite of a sense of general unease over other aspects of my life, office life has radically improved. In an odd bit of serendipity, I find myself in the role of instructor/coach -- ironically, one of the career choices that I missed by a week. My first post-graduate employer made me an offer before the University did. Now I feel like there are some carrots in my life instead of all sticks.
Being able to feel like I am helping people instead of struggling to meet arbitrary deadlines and/or unreasonable and unspoken expectations. That counts for a lot.