Missing You Fu

Feb 07, 2013 09:23

sinclairhawkins's picture made the front page of our free local weekly newspaper supplement. I spread it out on the kitchen table so ealdthryth could see it when she got home. Except that when she got home she couldn't see it. Ignatius was curled up on it. He might be missing his former foster family.

Second Article Idea

ealdthryth and I try to be pretty frugal. I've never liked to throw away things that are only slightly damaged. Actually broken and no longer useful or pleasing is usually the criteria I use. When applied to model railroading, junk is still usable (sort of like steampunk in that respect)--usually as scenery, or perhaps with a little work, might be usable again. Years ago, I would buy old and apparently worn out models with the goal of putting in a new motor, doing a little repainting, and having something I could use with very little money invested. The second article I am thinking of writing is about my first major model railroad salvage project: rescuing a "toy" engine and making it look and run reasonably well.


Apparently, there is some kerfluffle going on with Dragon*Con--specifically around one of the founders. Until yesterday, I lived in blissful ignorance of the situation, and now I find myself horrified. A number of people are calling for the corporation to dissolve and reorganize to help rid itself of the taint, but as with all things in life, it ain't quite that simple. So now there is a war of words going on, and at the end of the day, the person the more strident voices want to punish will fiscally benefit regardless of anyone's actions. In the end, the folks who are going to get punished are the fans who will miss getting to see their favorite celebrities or vendors as a result of choosing not to go or the celebrities/vendors boycotting. In fact, some vendors may lose a lot of income as a result of boycotting--so the collateral damage could be huge. It is just downright fugly.

Oh well, there are occasions you have to let an organization die off so you can recreate it anew. The Board of Directors cannot drive the convention into the ground in order to force it to collapse because that would violate the law, plus, they'd get sued. If there was a clean solution to cut their ties, I think they'd go for it.

Meh. I was really looking forward to seeing studiofoglio again. Perhaps they'll put in an appearance at some other relatively local convention.

There Are Too Many Notes. Take Some Out

ealdthryth's obsession with listening to our entire music collection with an eyeear towards weeding out stuff we no longer appreciate has lessened, but only slightly. She has allowed that if I have listened to it recently, we don't need to re-listen to it together to make a decision. From last night's selection, I'm not sure whether she appreciates either of the Carl Stalling Project albums, but since I am the one that likes them, it doesn't much matter. The point is to find out whether either of us still likes the music. If "no", it has to go.

A small pile of "go-away" CDs is accumulating in the kitchen. Re-homing them will be the next step.

decluttering, model railroading, music, dragon*con, dragoncon, foglio, cats

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