Two issues in, and I already have to put in corrections. Sigh. Of course, that is the nature of a communications breakdown over the planned presentations for the upcoming quarter. Of course, labeling the corrections as "Malfunction Junction" is a pretty amusing idea, and I will use it.
In Other News
ealdthryth's television debut was pretty good. The show hosts did not stick to the script, but
ealdthryth correctly predicted they wouldn't. However, she knows her subject well enough that the was able to easily field the questions and felt comfortable doing that. They have the clip posted on
Your Carolina. The trick to the interviews is to ignore the cameras and have a conversation with the hosts. It really does help eliminate the tension of feeling like you are speaking in front of an audience.
I'm so proud of my sweetie! She was not amused by my suggestion that now she has experience, she can promote next year's train show on the same program.
Needy Fu
Ignatius desperately wanted attention this morning. He walked on our pillows, bunted us awake and repeatedly pawed at our hair. When I was getting ready for my shower, he nermaled on the bath mat and kept reaching out a paw, claws extended trying to get me to pet him. I indulged him by picking him up and snuggling him a bit--which, judging by the increased volume of his purr, was exactly what he wanted.
Spoiled boy!
An Article
In order to provide content for the newsletter, I decided to start on a series of articles that follow my thoughts and progress as a model railroader. A prior editor did something similar, but didn't provide pictures or commentary--his read like a technical manual. There is no disrespect intended in that comment, because it was a lot of effort to put it together, and they are instructional. Unfortunately, they are also a bit dry.
In reviewing my own work, I think my style tends to be more conversational, if a bit wordy. By providing supplementary pictures, I hope to have some fairly effective articles. I just need to trim the length. It is tough to be your own copy editor because your mind fills in the blanks you left in the narrative.