I just wasn't feeling the energy this weekend. I did nothing at all to prepare for the Steampunk Extravaganza. We briefly considered stopping by after work, but once we got home, a serious case of inertia set in. It was so serious we didn't actually go to it until close to noon. None of the panels caught our interest, so the only thing to do was shop and socialize--which we did, and enjoyed it.
We got more accessories and parts. Now all
ealdthryth has to do is develop an outfit that goes with all the accessories. The box of clock parts I got was put to immediate use, primarily to annoy
mistressrhi who was snarking about people "slapping a gear on something and calling it steampunk". My goggles got an upgrade thanks to me slapping some gears onto it. ;^P
I wish I understood why I don't feel more inspired.
Much Closer to Done
ealdthryth wanted to go on a cleaning jag on Sunday, but an impending-could-be-a-migrane sort of headache restricted her to merely doing wash while I did some serious vacuuming. As in including the baseboards, chair-rails, corners of the ceiling, plush animal collection, and the return air vents. For my next trick, I oiled all the kitchen cabinets to eliminate dust, seal up some of the kitty claw marks, and make them shiny. But that really isn't the "done" part.
I made a concerted effort to get art back on the first floor walls. The library renovation required pictures come down in both the library and the living room. Now that the renovation is done, it was time to put the art back up. I've significantly rearranged things. There's only one picture that didn't move to a different wall or room. We had a debate about where the the Southern Railway's Ps-4 Pacific would go. It used to be over the couch, but we have other large pictures that needed a home, and in spite of how large the Ps-4 is, there were more options for it.
I took a few moments in the kitchen and made a command decision about some art we've been meaning to hang up in there. That little job is now done, and
ealdthryth likes it.
There's just two more pictures in immediate need of placement, but I must move a large piece of furniture to deal with it. That might happen tonight. Unfortunately, we still have far more art than available wall space at the moment. So there's plenty more, but no homes for them. :(
Oh well. We count finding homes for our collection of artwork as a significant contribution to decluttering.
Angry Turds
Sunday was not an entirely happy day at Ealdercote. Someone missed the litter box in the night. Someone had a "Klingon" that ended up defiling the library's new floor in the morning. And when
ealdthryth went outside to hang up a seasonal flag, she discovered that a rodent of unusual size had abused the top of our porch railing.
Ick. Ick. Ick.
My comment to her was, Obviously we are playing "Angry Turds" today.
Ouchy Bleedy Fu
ealdthryth attempted to trim the kitties' claws. Josie and Ignatius were pretty mellow about the semi-monthly grooming, but AElfgifu claimed we were torturing her and she wasn't gonna' go down without a fight.
ealdthryth got punctured and slashed as a result of trying to trim the claws of our furry Cuisinart. My poor sweetie!
After discovering there were no women or minorities chairing House committees the GOP assigns a woman to chair what effectively is the "Admin Assistant" committee in charge of office supplies and housekeeping? REALLY!?!
How incredibly insulting....