Decluttering stalled out a little bit, but I did get some of the old electronics gear out of the stack of stuff we shoved into the office and got put it away--but with no sorting or weeding of the collection. I semi-randomly pulled a few books off the shelf and put them in the go away pile. I'm pretty sure I'll never re-read The Andromeda Strain
A MyLiveFaceDiaryBookLandWitter entry from a few months ago has me pondering about building a new storage unit for our videos or CD collection. One idea is to have a cabinet in which the doors hold stuff, too. The problem I am struggling with is one of scale. I'll ponder a bit more....
Barfy Fu
Poor Josie got sick last night. Repeatedly. It was if she was working up a hairball, but one never appeared. After a while, she settled down and seemed OK.
Now She Wants A Robot
We've already got
ealdthryth's major holiday gift for this year, but last night's episode of NOVA has her convinced she wants a $12,000 robot kit. I'm guessing that is marginally less expensive than building an R2-D2 unit. I think the "cute" factor pushed her over the edge. I think it looks like a Totoro.... No, this isn't a likely scenario unless we receive an unexpected lottery windfall.