Thanksgiving weekend snuck up on me. For some reason, I thought I had another week. Time to plot logistics for cheap refueling before the prices spike. I think the pickup has enough gas to run for a few days, so I can fill up the moderately more fuel-efficient vehicle early and use up the gas in the truck until I actually need to drive a longer distance. The whole our-cat-has-diabetes thing really has put a crimp in how we plan and execute our family travel schedule, as a result,
ealdthryth is staying home with Ignatius.
I'm not liking the new paradigm. Over the years, we have pondered the possibility of telling the folks on both sides of the family We're not traveling this year, but there's never really been a compelling reason beyond sheer laziness. IF we had the room, AND IF certain members of the family weren't allergic to the cats, AND IF there were a place to keep the visiting dogs, I'd consider hosting a holiday gathering at our place. At the rate we are decluttering, we might be able to host Lil Sis's or our niece's kids when they turn about 15.
Information Point: Neither one of them has kids nor are they expecting.
You do the math.
My annoyance with the new vehicle's failure to recognize voice commands has been alleviated. The recent freezing temperatures magically eliminated the problem. That's as good an explanation as any. o_O
A recent event prompted me to find out about games for older consoles. Apparently, the traditional video game stores have moved on to currently produced consoles and they no longer carry pre-owned games for the not-actually-obsolete consoles. I did find a local small shop that does cater to the retro gaming crowd--so retro that they still deal in Atari 2600 consoles and associated games. I checked out some prices and was astounded by how low some were and how expensive others were. There is no rhyme or reason to it according to the store manager.
However, I now know that a) there is a market for them, b) we can still trade in things and not deal with the hassle of eCraigsCycle.
Kiera Fu
Kiera still seems to be acting fierce with AElfgifu. I'm not sure of the source of the animosity, but Kiera is able to make AElfgifu back down/retreat. However, Kiera still behaves as if she is terrified of us--unless food is involved. Last night, she was hiding under the rebounder
ealdthryth was ecstatic to have been able to pull out of pseudo-storage.
On the other hand, Kiera is actually lounging around out in the middle of the floor occasionally, meaning that she doesn't spend all of her time hiding behind the couch.