The plumber arrived much earlier than I expected, but within the window of time the appointment had been scheduled for. It didn't take him very long to repair the leak, and I got some free advice about the gas-fired water heater and the air return system. He says the water heater does not look like it is installed properly, and its location is not what is recommended by his company. It should be up off the ground more, and they don't like to have them in the crawlspace--the garage would be more ideal.
As far as the condensation leak from the air return, he thinks the drain pipe may be blocked, so I'll try to check that this evening. I think it might be a good idea to replace the existing unit and have it installed better than what it currently is.
Ah. The many joys of home ownership....
ealdthryth and I both had the same thought: Should we sell the house and move into a condo?
More Trauma Fu
I was able to give Ignatius a couple of units of insulin last night, and it was relatively easy to do--even by myself. I still can't stand giving him the shot, though. The vet had us on the schedule to do blood glucose curve monitoring on Thursday, but because our poor boy was sick Saturday, we got a bit anxious to move that up and we were able to get Dr. Furr to let us take Ignatius in today.
So far the results have been puzzling. His levels are rather low after having his meal this morning, and for a diabetic cat, the glucose level should be "sky high". Now we are totally confused. Perhaps he isn't diabetic after all? I'd like for that to be the diagnosis, because it is very stressful on all of us to keep taking him to the vet and giving him shots....
AElf' is soooo going to beat up on Ignatius when he comes home reeking of the vet's office.... :(
Conventional Musings
ealdthryth and I were decompressing after work last night, I mused that one of the great things about Contemporal (for me) was that it was a "small" event. I would NEVER have had the chance to meet the Wolds, the Foglios, Cheyenne, or any of the other artists and gotten to actually have a *conversation* with them at a larger venue like DragonCon where thousands of raving fans wait with varying levels of patience to meet their absolute favorite actor/actress/author/artist/pundit/whatever for a few brief seconds before being asked to move along so the next Number One Fan in line can experience and bask in The Presence.
I don't mind it getting bigger, but there *is* a threshold at which the sheer volume of people gets on my remaining nerve.