That Was Quick

Oct 06, 2010 08:58

Yesterday's whinge about my desire for more useful or creative things to do was answered by the Universe. In fact, many of my other whinges were responded to as well--but I won't be the direct beneficiary of any of the changes that are in process.

Skinnny Kitty Fu

When AElf curled up next to me on the couch last night, ealdthryth remarked that AElf' seemed to be plumping up a little now that she seems to have recovered from her dental work. I weighed her this morning, and AElf' was 9.5 pounds. I don't see AElf' filling out just yet, but at least she still has a very healthy and plush coat--which seems to mean she is getting the nutrition she needs. MMMM! Plush kitty endorphins
Garage Fu

The boy made a minor bid for escape into the garage yesterday morning. I had the door open, ready to walk out, and Ignatius darted out into the garage, sniffing madly. I'm not sure what he thought was out there, but his investigation didn't last long. He ducked under the car for a moment, and then trotted back inside.

Silly boy!

Drippy Faucet Not So Drippy

I tried a small experiment last night. I turned the set screw to adjust the valve, and it didn't do much for the rate at which the faucet was dripping. On a whim, I turned the knob itself ever so slightly, and reduced the drip rate to one drop every minute and a half. So it is a misalignment issue more than anything else. But I still don't quite know how to fix it so it doesn't drip at all (without replacing the whole darn assembly).

Under the Heading of Utter Disbelief

How is it that a state as theoretically impoverished and geographically as small as ours can manage to have the 4th largest highway system in the nation? That has to be a topographical impossibility unless we've got mobius strip roads and Klein interchanges.

Who compiles theses statistics? Who checks them? And why aren't those people in jail for fraud/falsifying testimony or whatever is when they beg our legislature for money?


Pertinent Roadside Pulpit

I saw this while heading to the Post Office: Honk if you love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet Him.

Considering the dumb I've seen of late on our Impossible-To-Be--But-Touted-To-Be-4th-Largest-Highway-System-In-The-Nation, I thought it was extremely pertient....

amused, rant, politics, house, random musing, cats

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