Endorphin Fu

Oct 05, 2010 09:21

Cooler temperatures mean snuggly kitties! AElfgifu has been firmly tucked in next to one of us by the time we go to sleep, and when I awoke this morning, she was curled up next to the Momma and gently purring. Josie attempted to paralyze my legs by laying across my calves again, and Ignatius started bunting me as soon as I appeared to be awake.

MMMMM! Plush kitty endorphins!

Random Stuff From This Week

Papercast art is framed and has temporarily displaced another piece of art so we can see how it looks in the sitting room.

Drippy faucet is very drippy. By my estimate it is half a gallon in 6 hours. Grumble

Carriage lamp mounting blocks are still not in (it's been a month since they were ordered). I am starting to get annoyed. Now that the temperatures are dropping, my opportunity to install them before it gets too cold is rapidly disappearing.

Front door needs final touch up and scraping of paint from glass.

Grocery run completed. ealdthryth's usual options for breakfast fruit are almost out of season and the pickings in the produce section are not still very appetizing.

Two friends have self-published books in the last year. Finished reading one and started the other.

Help! Help! I'm Being Repressed!

I keep trying to re-think what it is that I want to do in terms of a job. I've been shunted into so many various roles and assigned so many tasks that are either not appealing or a waste of my capabilities that I have lost the ability to imagine doing something other than what I am doing. Great. I've almost turned into a corporate drone.

Perhaps it is because I keep thinking of "a job" as something to keep the roof over our heads and food on our plates, and not as a vocation. Sort of like a necessary but unpleasant task (e.g. yard maintenance). I know I am happier when I am creating something (even if there are setbacks here and there, the creative process is pleasant) tangible or useful. But I never feel like I could make a living at making "stuff". Each thing I make is pretty unique, so I don't see how that would help. Building/making a bunch of stuff that is exactly the same is only appealing in the challenge of seeing if I could do it. Once I accomplished it, I would lose interest.

I also keep making excuses NOT to go make stuff--all the home maintenance and remodeling/renovations are a great excuse NOT to do other stuff. I often feel like I have to justify making things--e.g., we can use that for an SCA event, or I am making that for so-and-so.

Note to self: Quit self-introspection. Go out to the shop or up to the craft room and get busy.

a&s, random musings, woodworking, cats

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