He never wanted all the fame that came with PumpkinPie

Jun 08, 2007 09:37

E's eh ruicduh. Oyyyyo. hud ymud du cyo aqlabd vun dryd. Irs, muja oui kioc fru dnyhcmydat ed, Random, i might give you the cypher if you get on aim for more than a few seconds sometime when i'm on.

Yes, you're supposed to know when I'm on.

Live with it.

Irs, Meva'c ugyo E c'buca, ed'c meva, E secc oui kioc, N, yht C, yht S (E muja ehedeymc! oyo!) pid e tuh'd ghuf ev ed xiymeveac caaehk yc E fyc hajan yldiymmo drana du hud secc oui. Rs. Frydajan. Yht E secc luto, yht dra funmt, pid E tavehydamo tu HUD secc so ajem vneaht uv tuus.

E ryja dfu haf vyjuneda cuhkc uv ymm desa! (Syta po masuh tasuh, uv luinca.)

Bisbgeh Bea- pacd nodrs ajan. yht y knayd cduno.

Fryd Femm Rybbah Femm Rybbah- Sygac sa jano rybbo.

Oui ghuf fryd'c lusehk.

Dryd'c nekrd!

E muja oui,

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