The universe is run by my thoughts!

Jun 06, 2007 19:05

In case you guys haven't figured it out yet, the language thingy is my way of making my lj friends only without actually making it friends only. if I don't give you the cypher, it doesn't mean your not my friend, it just means that I think you could figure it out yourself, or I just don't want to give it to you for some random reason. Anyway, on to the post...

Ed'c feant. Oui ghuf ruf e'ja paah nyhtusmo xiudehk dra 'cusaputo dumt sa...' cuhk? Famm, dutyo, dra lmycc yd dra kos nyhtusmo icat dryd yc y cuhk. U.u Mega E cyet ypuja, dra ihejanca ec nimat po so druikrdc. UN E caa dra vidina. Pycelymmo, dra cysa drehk. Hu naym bnuknacc uh dra ajem vneaht vnuhd. pid frydajan.

E muja oui!
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