May 18, 2007 12:01
So here I am, playing archaeologist, and carefully exploring the detritus of the ages that has been accumulating for four years in my little room. Specifically the dresser-type layers, since I haven't gathered the courage or initiative to get spelunking gear for the Closet of Doom, which is, no doubt home to a terribly advanced civilization of super-spiders--or worse, an empire of centipedes. (Speaking of super-spiders...Spidey3 is just...very special...emo bangs and eyeliner are always good for a laugh). Anyway, I have discovered far too many pairs of good work/painting pants without holes (or maybe with like one hole in the knee) made out of strong denim and not retarded 'I'm-going-to-break-at-the-least-little-thing' type fabric. And of course, none of them at all fit. Which means they must leave, which is sad. And one pair of what appears to be tie-dyed pants >.> which is all kinds of special.
And silverfish? Should go extinct as far as I'm concerned. And the effects of a well-aimed shot of windex at soft-bodied pests who live under the bed merits further investigation. At least Michigan had less insects, bugs, spiders, and the like. (<---Megan missing Hillsdale *gasp*)
Well, back to the cataloging and sorting of the artifacts from a lost culture.
I'm doomed. The stuffed animals of days gone past are staring at me pitifully. And i reached the layer where Christmas mistakes were kept. Scowl. I should have kept those in Hillsdale and pawned them off in the barrel. ALAS.