Dragon Age II, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Jun 01, 2011 12:00

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Re: A Little White Lie (2/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 16:36:42 UTC
When it was all over, and they stood once again in the Darktown clinic, Hawke felt ill. She couldn’t even imagine how it must feel to be the instrument of death for someone you dearly loved.

It was the kind of thing she tried very hard to avoid thinking of.

She looked at Anders. He looked exhausted and miserable, his face creased with sorrow. Hawke had to fight the ache to just reach out and hold him.

Great idea.

Instead, she asked him about his glowy display of magic.

His brow furrowed in dismay. “I...this is hard to explain,” he said. “When I was in Amaranthine, I met a spirit of Justice...”

Hawke listened to his explanation in growing horror as she realized what had happened to him--how his compassion and selflessness toward a friend had come back to hurt him. It was exactly the kind of thing she could imagine Bethany doing. She found herself filled with the desire to protect him--to stand between him and the world.

As if to confirm her fears, Bethany said, “You tried to help a friend. Surely no harm can come of that.”

“I wish I still had your innocence,” Anders answered. “There was too much hatred in me. Justice thought he could overcome that. But my anger--when I see Templars now, things that have always outraged me, but I could never do anything about--he comes out. And he is no longer my friend Justice. He is a force of Vengeance, and he has no grasp of mercy.”

He looked so...broken. Hawke remembered what Bethany said, that maybe he was lonely. Maybe she should just suck it up. Let him know she was...interested.

What kinds of things did women say in this situation?

He was looking at her expectantly.

She put on what she hoped was a seductive smile. “So, that explains your whole...sexy, tortured look,” she said, trying her best to sound alluring.

There was an awkward pause. Bethany put her face in her hands.

Hawke realized suddenly just exactly how badly timed her proclamation was. The man had just been forced to kill a dear friend and was confessing his most horrible regrets, and here she was, throwing herself at him. Anders was looking at her with his eyebrows raised.

She wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.

“Perhaps I should check a looking glass more often,” Anders said lightly. “I had not thought to find a woman who would look past what I just said.”

Hawke wanted to say something, to apologize, but he was going on, all business. “My maps are yours. As am I, if you wish me to join your expedition. I thought I was done with the Grey Wardens, but if you have any need of me, I will be waiting here.”

She got out of there as quickly as she could.


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 16:38:39 UTC
“I don’t think he was put off,” Bethany said. “Honestly, Sister. You should give it another shot.”

“Sure. Why not? And while I’m at it, I might as well stab myself in the eye. Since I’m going to be a glutton for punishment and all.”

“He likes you,” Bethany insisted. “Okay, yes, you put your foot in your mouth. But it didn’t throw him off at all. Don’t you see? That makes him perfect for you. You’d be crazy to let this one go.”

Hawke sighed. “As it happens, Beth, I did try again.”

Bethany paused, apprehensive. “How...did that go?”

“Terribly. I barely got the words out of my mouth before he was telling me to back off.” Hawke shrugged nonchalantly, trying to show she didn’t care. “He said he didn’t want to see me get my heart broken.”

“What? Why? What did you say to him?”

“I...told him Justice was lucky to have gotten such a nice body.”

“Oh, Sister.” Bethany rubbed her eyes.

“Well, how was I supposed to know what to say? You said to let him know I was interested. That’s what I did, right?”

“I didn’t mean for you to be quite so forward about it. But I can’t believe he shot you down. It’s obvious he’s crazy about you. He looks at you like--like he’s drowning, and you’re his life raft.”

“He does not. And it doesn’t matter. Let’s face it, Sister,” Hawke said. “I’m just not cut out for the whole romance thing. If I’m not killed by raiders or something, I’ll probably die alone, a miserable, old lady. With cats. A miserable, old, cat lady. Best I get used to the idea now.”


A few weeks passed. Anders became an indispensable member of Hawke’s party, though she could barely meet his eyes, let alone hold a conversation with him. In her quest for coin to fund her expedition, she found herself making even more allies, including the sexy pirate, Isabela.


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 17:26:43 UTC
HA BRB LOLing forever. THANK you for using the flirt quotes - I'm usually against ripping straight game dialogue for fics but I loooove that you made fun of them/made them go badly. I mean, they're horrific.

*furious F5*


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 18:58:57 UTC
My cheeks they hurt from the laughing and the smiling. Please continue, I am loving this as much as Anders loves cats.


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 19:20:39 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found the flirt lines to be extremely inappropriate, given the circumstances.
Also, Bethany as Hawke's relationship counselor is genius.


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 2 2011, 23:33:19 UTC
I absolutely love this! I love it that you made the flirting quotes into embarrassing moments. So is the duration of thinking that he only likes men going to last three years?

This is seriously funny and i love Bethany and Hawke's relationship. it reminds me of my sister and I's relationship.

Can't wait until you finish it!


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 08:22:17 UTC
OP here!

I don't mind things being changed a bit at all :D

Hah! You used quotes of the actual game flirts XD That's just... genius. They are very awkward and forward, and I love the way you describe her saying them. And Bethany consoling her afterward, I can almost see her hesitation at asking how the second attempt went.

Hey, she might still have a chance with Anders if she becomes an old cat lady, because she'd have cats X3

I look forward to reading more~


Re: A Little White Lie (3/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 13:56:26 UTC
Write!anon here, and I'm glad the story is being enjoyed. When I read the prompt about Hawke being awkward with men, those lines were the first thing that came into my head. I couldn't resist.

I agree that Anders would love catlady!Hawke.

Thanks to OP and all anons for the love.


Re: A Little White Lie (4/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 14:00:43 UTC
Bethany was beginning to think her sister was beyond all hope.

They were in the Hanged Man, the whole group of them. Merrill, Aveline, and Varric sat at a nearby table, Varric gesturing emphatically as he spun some tale or other, while Merrill watched him with wide eyes, and Aveline gave him disbelieving looks. In the corner, Fenris appeared to be looking for an escape from the pretty pirate wench who had perched herself on the table in front of him.

And then, there were Hawke and Anders.

They sat on the other side of the table from Bethany. Anders was attempting to teach Hawke the game of diamondback, leaning in close to her as he explained the different combinations of cards. His smile, as he gazed at her, was slightly wistful. Hawke, for her part, was staring awkwardly at her cards and turning interesting shades of red.

“Is she always this bad?”

Bethany turned to see Isabela slide into the seat next to her. A quick glance around the room showed her that Fenris had joined the others at their table. Isabela flashed Bethany a grin.

“I wouldn’t have thought Hawke to be the shy type,” Isabela continued.

Nervously, Bethany glanced back at her sister, but she and Anders were in a world of their own. They didn’t even seem to have noticed Isabela’s arrival.

“She’s not shy,” Bethany said. “Not in the least. She’ll stand up to anyone, no concern for what they might think. Always ready with a smart comment.”

Isabela raised an eyebrow and gestured toward Hawke, who had just dropped her cards and was scrambling to pick them up. “So what’s all this?”

Bethany sighed. “Maker only knows.”

Isabela downed the last of her drink. “I could use another,” she said, “and it looks like you could, too. Come to the bar and tell me about it.”

With a nod, Bethany stood. “Sister, I’ll be just over here if you need me.”

Hawke was fumbling to get her cards back in order, with Anders’s help. Neither seemed to hear her.


“I’m just taking Bethany off to deflower her in numerous and creative ways, then,” Isabela said loudly. “I promise I’ll bring her back mostly unharmed. Unless she asks me not to, that is.”

Bethany could feel herself blushing. “Isabela!”

Hawke blinked and looked up. “Did you say something?” she asked.

“Nothing at all, love.” Isabela grabbed Bethany’s hand. “Come on.”


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 14:07:32 UTC
A few minutes later they had seats at the bar and fresh drinks in hand.

“All right, love. Spill. What’s the deal with your gorgeous sister? Why aren’t she and Anders shagging like rabbits already?”

Bethany sighed. “You’re asking me, but I honestly don’t get it. I’ve never seen a situation Autumn couldn’t handle -- except for men. For some reason, every time she meets a man she’s attracted to, she clams up and can’t open her mouth. And when she tries to get past that and actually make a move, she ends up sounding like a brothel worker.”

Isabela laughed. “Oh, this I’ve got to hear,” she said. “What does she say?”

“Well,” said Bethany, “there was a farmer’s son when we were teenagers in Lothering. He was a couple of years older than her and didn’t know either of us existed. But she had such a crush on him. One day, she got up all her nerve, walked out to his farm where he was working, and asked him if he was looking for a good place to sow his seed.”

Isabela choked on her drink.

“I know,” Bethany said. “The worst part was, she was completely oblivious to the double meaning. Well, until after she said it.”

“I don’t mean to belittle her horror,” said Isabela, “but that actually sounds like a line most men would fall over themselves for. Especially from a woman who looks like Hawke.”

“You’re...not wrong. He took her up on it. Had his way with her in the barn, then told all his friends. The next day, she ran up to him in town, all smiles. He laughed at her. They all laughed at her. Then one of his friends asked her if he could ‘sow his seed,’ too.”

“Andraste’s tits, that’s awful.” Isabela frowned at Bethany. “I was looking for a good laugh, but this is tragic.”

“It was, a bit. Autumn went home and cried for an hour. Then she went back out and broke his nose.”

“That’s the Hawke we all know and love. Pity she didn’t break something a little more dear to him than his nose.”

“She accomplished her goal, anyway. No one in Lothering ever talked about the...incident, again.”

Bethany took a drink. “Then, there was that friend of Carver’s,” she continued. “Braden, his name was. He was Autumn’s age, and he had the biggest crush her. She was completely normal around him until I told her that he fancied her. I thought I was doing her a favor, but she started acting so strangely. Hanging around while Braden and Carver were training, but not saying a word. Just standing there like some kind of statue. Carver and Braden both planned to go into the army, you see, and they had these wooden practice swords they used to train with. One day, Sister blurts out, ‘Braden, I sure would like to see your real sword.’”

Isabela laughed. “Surely that wasn’t so bad? I can’t imagine this Braden didn’t like that.”

“Did I mention it was right in front of his mother?”

“Ooh, you’re right. That is bad.”

“Carver wanted to kill her. Braden stopped training with him after that. Although, as it happens, Braden ended up in the Templars, so I can’t be too sorry it didn’t work out.”

“So your confident, fearless, silver-tongued sister loses all sense of propriety around men?”

“That’s not even it. It’s like she loses her ability to reason. I can’t even explain it properly. It’s not just the things she says, it’s the way she says it. Like she’s afraid if she doesn’t go completely over the top that the man will never know that she’s flirting. And if she’s not making bad attempts at flirting, she loses the capability of speech.”

Both women looked back at the table, where Hawke was dealing out two hands of cards and still not looking at the man beside her. Anders had leaned over and was speaking encouragingly in her ear.

Bethany sighed. “If only there was a way to get her to act naturally around men.”

Isabela drained her glass and set it on the counter with a thunk. “Kitten,” she said, “I think I’ve got an idea.”


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 15:47:36 UTC

Thanks for the laughs, writeranon! I'm looking forward to more! :D


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 3 2011, 23:47:05 UTC
sow his seed? real sword?

Congratulations anon, I couldn't stop laughing


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 4 2011, 12:09:33 UTC
OP again~

I just can't get over how cute Anders teaching Hawke how to play cards in such a friendly manner is. And Isabelas comment about deflowering Bethany XD Brilliant.

Bahaha, sounding like a brothel worker indeed.

This is turning out awesome author anon :D


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 02:44:42 UTC
It's not entirely Hawke's fault; the flirt lines in this game are awful. I'm enjoying this like whoa!


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 13:33:46 UTC
“This staff looks really nice,” said Hawke. “Bethany, what do you think?”

Hawke, Bethany, and Isabela were in the Lowtown market, stocking up on supplies. Hawke was appraising a rather handsome staff. She ran a finger along the mahogany wood, admiring its smooth finish. She’d noticed that the staff Anders had been using was a bit worn down. He could probably use a replacement.

“It’s a good staff,” Bethany agreed.

“Do you think it’s nicer than the staff Anders has?”

Isabela chuckled. “Sweet thing, I’d bet that Anders’s staff is much nicer than that.”

Hawke felt her ears getting warm. “Isabela, can’t you ever get your mind out of the gutter?”

“But it’s so much fun there, kitten.”

Hawke deliberately turned her attention back to the merchant’s display. It was a good staff. She could picture Anders using it, his body twisting and lunging as he shot fire or lightning at his foes. Not that she spent a lot of time watching Anders’s body or anything. She was just...looking out for him. Making sure he didn’t get overwhelmed by enemies.

“You have to admit,” Isabela said, perching herself on the merchant’s table, “it is a pity.”

Hawke sighed and opened her purse, fumbling for her coins. “I’m going to regret asking this, but what’s a pity?”

“Anders, of course.” She sighed dramatically. “Why do all the good ones go for other men?”

Hawke’s head snapped up. “Why do--what?”

“Didn’t you know?” Isabela smiled slyly. “Anders plays for the other team.”


“--is romantically interested in men, yes.” Isabela paused. “Didn’t he tell you about Karl?”

Hawke felt lightheaded.

“I thought they were friends,” Hawke said. “He told me Karl was his friend.”

The pirate shrugged. “If you have a loose definition of the word ‘friend,’ perhaps.”

It couldn’t be true. Surely Anders would have told her something like that. Even Bethany hadn’t noticed; she wouldn’t have encouraged her toward Anders if she thought he might....

Hawke looked at Bethany, who shrugged apologetically.

Her heart turned to lead in her chest. She put her hands on the table, leaning on it for support. “I can’t believe it. Why wouldn’t he tell me? I thought...”

Isabela raised an eyebrow expectantly.

“...that he trusted me,” Hawke finished lamely.

Isabela hopped down from the table. “I’m sure he does, love. Maybe...it just hasn’t come up yet.”

There was absolutely no reason she should feel like this, Hawke told herself. No reason why her chest should feel tight or her breath come with difficulty. No reason her eyes should be stinging.

She wasn’t going to cry.

He was just a friend, after all. He’d told her she didn’t have a chance, that she would just end up getting hurt. She’d already come to terms with that.

So why did this news seem worse than another Blight?

“You’re probably right,” Hawke mumbled as she paid for the staff.

Behind her back and out of her hearing, Bethany whispered to Isabela, “She looks so miserable. Are you sure we did the right thing?”

“Of course, kitten,” Isabela whispered back with a grin. “You just watch and see.”


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 13:38:19 UTC
Sorry for the short update today, anons. I'm working fast and furiously on the next part. :)


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