May 20, 2010 15:51
I've been out of touch lately, mostly cause I'm dying.
At least I think I am.
I've caught some sort of virus, or at least I think it's a virus, I saw a doctor but she didn't really touch me or take a close look at what I have. She just took one look at me, asked if my sinuses were congested and gave me antibiotics. But only enough for four days, ending today, so now I'm out and my main symptom hasn;t gone away.
I'm covered in spots. Tiny red one's that for the first two days I thought might be chicken pox cause they're surrounded by a faint white ring. They started on my left arm, then moved to my right and my legs, and now I have them on the side of my face too. Awesome.
The worst part though was when my throat started closing up. Literally. I could feel it closing on me.
So that's when I went to the doctor, cause the spots are a nuisance, but they don't hurt or itch so I was going to wait till I got home.
Well I was given antibiotics and my throat got better but my spots were unaffected. But now I'm out of meds so I don't know if my other symptoms will come back or not.
Let's hope for not.
Excited to be coming home on monday.
I can't wait to see Zeus. Apparently he's at my grandma's right now helping her plant potatoes. lol
I've been befriending every animal I've seen for the past week. I was cautious about going near them for the first two weeks cause of the whole third world thing, but then I got scratched by one and thought, to hell with it, I've prolly got rabies anyway. So every time I see a cat I call it over.
Which reminds me.
We were at the port crossing the border from Egypt to Jordan and were just sitting there waiting to get our passports back. There was this cute cat that I was petting, and when I wsa fone, the guy sitting across from me called her over, looked up to me and said, "have you seen the dance?"
I was like, "wha?" I wasn't sure if I had hear him right.
Then he took the cat and made her do the kitty cat dance.
I couldn't stop laughing.