Dec 31, 2007 10:39
As it was, I shouldn't have been worried about transferring buses and all that. Since it left at 2:20 in the morning, there were only about 8 people on the bus. When we transfered buses in Janesville (at 3:30) they made sure that everyone was awake and knew which one to take. Only 3 people were going down to the Midway airport in Chicago - most were going to the O'Hare airport. I was a tad concerned about my bag - which was stowed underneath the bus, and if they would transfer it to the right bus...
On the plane, everyone got to choose their own seats, which was pretty cool. And, like Sam said, they gave out free snacks! Like the kind that you would normally pay $5 for. I listened to the soundtrack of Sweeney Todd on the way out - though the din of the plane in general meant that I had to turn it up much higher than I would normally, and probably blasted out a few degrees of auditory function... D:
It is lovely and brisk out here in Alameda, and the dogs are very warm and cuddly. My aunt and I drove out to Walnut Creek to see about renting a harp while I was out here, but the only rental they had available was a 46 string gold one :P bleh. The store out there has a policy of one month minimum rental, even if you're only using it for 10 days, like me... so the fact that the harp was gold meant that rent would be $450.00, with a security deposit of $500.00. ah.........nope. I was particularly annoyed that there were no other options - the room was full of harps, but they were only rent-to-own, which made them "off limits." Whatever. I called the owner about renting a troubadour, so we'll see how that works out.