(no subject)

Dec 25, 2012 21:34

Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas with friends, family, animals, whoever you wanted to spend it with, and got at least something you really wanted, even if you had to resort to Santa. (I totally got myself a 32" TV and a new stuffed dog in that manner.)
I seem to have reached the Practical Gift stage of life. I got Christmas ornaments (Gators!), a safe, a TV organizer... And a Marvel heros cup. WHich was amusing because it came from Mom, who got Luke a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one. We openned, we coo'ed, she said "I hoped I got them right for you." I looked at both and declared that with us, its interchangable. We would have been happy with either one. Which I'm not sure if its awesome or weird.

There is interestingness afoot on the housing front. My cousin has not had the property appraised as he said he would be after he gave us the ridiculous $200K estimated asking price for the property. And well, we can afford that. Rather, I can't. Since I'll be the one buying it. Anyway. THen there were considerations that I WILL NOT pay that much for the property, sentimental value be damned. Because then I have to pay to have our current house scrapped off the property, then pay to have something livable (long-tem) put on instead. So that brings it to $250K. On a state worker's salary. NO.

So now there is consideration that I may be looking for a little plot of land and already built home for Luke and I. To BUY. WHich, by the way, is kinda terrifying. Moreso than turning 28 in a few days. Nearly 30 is nothing compared to potential home ownership. YIKES.

holiday: christmas, housing

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