Mar 12, 2012 00:00
My toes are girly.
And I want Penny's turquoise couch from Big Bang Theory. With the bright cute pillows. Which is likely rediculously expensive even though she's a waitress.
And we got two new rats today so that when the next one dies, we don't have to immediately run out and get another. So we have three little girlies. Trey (legally Tracy on her vet file) is the original and she is my blonde red-eyed one. Luke's is Squeaker and she is a blue Essex, which means she is a very nice gray color with a white belly and a white dot in the middle of her forehead. And the one we share is Belle who is a Siamese (just like the cat) rex (curly furred) dumbo (big ears). They all got dabbed with vanilla and thrown in the bathtub while I cleaned the cage. Now they are sleeping in a rat pile in the back corner of the cage, Trey deigning to come down from her hammock because the little ones haven't figured out that there is more then one level yet. CUTENESS!