I am doing nothing but fandom today. Really, NOTHING. It's my day, all for me. I deserve it, after my crappy crappy 4th (please, don't ask. Homesickness and family frustration and really really bad sex)
I have a beta obligation to do, but I woke up In A Mood and obviously won't be able to say a singe intelligent thing there, so... have a pointless, meandering bit of a Jack/Daniel
ficlet. It's mostly just a writing exercise (one of those "sit down, start typing, and don't hit backspace" things. Because I suck at turning off the editing brain. Also trying to reign in a few of my worse tics). It's also far less porny than I intended. Sorry.
I will write Actual Fic about Jack and Daniel one day. Soon. I promise. But SGA kind of took over my Actual Fic brain (with Supernatural clamoring in the back wanting to know why I don't love it anymore) and the amnesia fic is HARD and I'm In A Mood, so.
And, since I'm In A Mood, I offer you a link to
porn. So VERY VERY NSFW. I really have a thing for black and white erotica (something about the way it brings out lines and shadows and shapes, when you lose the color...) and... yeah. GUH.