I love slash cons

Apr 04, 2011 19:45

So Muskrat Jamboree was awesome. I know it was days ago now, but I'm so busy I can hardly cope and haven't even done the post-con round of friending (hopefully tonight). But. It was great meeting you all! I shall try to look you up! I was surprised by how many people I recognized from BP last year, and even from Wincon before that. The slash-con-going world is pretty small, and people are so fantasically nice even to someone who is basically a lurker. I love it.

The vidshow was fantastic, especially the Harry Potter vid We're Marching On, which made the con collectively bawl like babies.

Gender issues in fic panel was also excellent. Recs should hopefully be here, including a couple trans fic recs from me.

AO3 has subscriptions now! Thank God. With fandom splintering off lj this last few years, I've been having a harder and harder time getting to know people and finding fic. Anyway, I haven't written in ages and my WIP list is basically a fond and wistful dream, but I am a lemming:

I'm at
DragoJustine and fandoms you may possibly see someday if I ever write again (damn law school) are Inception, Adam Lambert, and SG1!

For the record, I shall be in DC this summer and have a place to sublet in NYC. Just... putting that out into the fanosphere.

This entry was originally posted at http://dragojustine.dreamwidth.org/131008.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

cons, fandom, recs: vids

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