New York has ruined me

Mar 25, 2011 16:20

So I'm looking for someplace to live in DC over the summer, and it's tough. The problem, basically, is that a commute of longer than 45 minutes seems completely inhumane to me. Plus, it seems inconceivable to live someplace that doesn't have, with a roughly five-block radius, a subway stop, at least three different kinds of restaurants (at least one 24-hour delivery), two bars, a drugstore, and a basic grocery store (also 24 hours). And this is a bare minimum, you understand, much less than where I'm living now. Plus, I keep looking at possible addresses in google maps satellite view, and it turns out that seeing expanses of parking lots now makes me a little bit sick to my stomach.

I have reached the somewhat distressing conclusion: I can never, ever, move away from New York. In less than nine months, this city has ruined me. I mean, this is DC I'm trying to move to, it's not like I'm going back to Texas or something. But still. Parking lots everywhere. That's just... terrible.

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