Rest of chapter 6

Oct 11, 2006 12:54

Part one

The last half of Chapter 6

Once his duty to the past had been completed, Endymion had been unsure how to proceed. Time and experience had changed him. He had never been fully human but now even his mortality had retreated before the demands his destiny made of him. The question still remained; was he yet what his precious Usagi required or did he need to evolve further. An answer was not forthcoming, not from his own instincts nor from any of the Stars that he knew must be observing him. Indeed, it was as if a conspiracy of silence had sprung around him, for none of the powers that he knew by name would respond to his calls. Plainly, he had been left to help himself.

As he knew of no course he could take without divine guidance that would further mould him into a Star himself, all that he could think to do was, at last, to follow the promptings of his anxious forebodings and seek out his soulmate. His foray into his own past had dulled the frantic drive to go to her side but as he once more approached the time of her leaving, his clairvoyant compulsion to save her was growing exponentially. With a lack of other courses to follow, Endymion recalled all that Motoki had shared with him of his twin’s assignment and stepped through Dream to what should have been the same place and time of her arrival if only a small ripple in the fabric of Morpheus’ realm had not slightly diverted his course.

Thus, his arrival was mistimed and far later than he had intended. He did not even need to go down to the planet below him to know that Usagi was not there. Instead, instinct compelled him outwards, away from the world and, there, traces of the one he sought were easily found. They were so obvious and yet revealed so little that Endymion knew they had to have been a lure. Other signs, stronger yet, were there for him to draw a picture of power and carelessness and darkness that made him fear all the more for Usagi. The prey she had played bait for was potentially, certainly if his sight did not play him false, beyond even her abilities. He followed, knowing that if the enemy Galaxia, was beyond his better half, then she was certainly beyond him. Still, what choice did he have? Abandon his heart and creation’s hope? Not happening.

When he found the trace that showed passage from this Realm to another, he followed and forced himself not to dawdle when the senses that made him an ecopath touched a world very like his own bond-planet and yet was totally foreign. It was a struggle not to allow the influx of information from his search, senses open as they were to catch any hint of the trail he was pursuing, overwhelm him.

If he hadn’t known better, Endymion would have thought he was in Scotland. Of course, there was nowhere in any part of Scotland that he knew of, and he knew Earth in her entirety right down to the last grain of sand, where a monstrous great castle stood, glowing, near a lake. Castles and lakes, he was fine with, it was the green glow in an otherwise normal setting that threw him. The glow was, to him, highly reminiscent of his time spent near the Cauldron of Life and once he’d gotten past his surprise, an obvious arrow as to which way his path would lead.

He approached with a caution that proved unnecessary when he found that the only two mortal witness that he needed to concern himself with, or living ones as the castle was suspiciously sentient, were too distracted to take not of him.

“I don’t bloody believe it.”

“That’s all it took? Some twit dressed like a streetwalker overdosed on absinthe?”

“I don’t know that I’d just dismiss her as a twit, Severus.”

“What she wore covered less than it showed. It’s winter, we’re in Scotland and she was blond. I believe that makes her a twit!”

Endymion wondered if they were discussing Usagi. If they were, he would need to talk with this ‘Severus’ about respecting demi-gods of her calibre.

“I guess petty things like near freezing temperatures didn’t really register to her while she was destroying the most powerful dark lord in history with a mere flick of her hand.”

Severus, a tall, gaunt man with sallow skin, a hooked nose and greasy hair, sniffed sourly. “And so much for ‘either must die at the hands of the other’.”

“She was pretty damned ‘other’, Severus. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone more ‘other’ than her. Not even Voldemort at his worst made my skin crawl like that.” The smaller, though still dark haired and gaunt, man ignored the glare his companion gave him as he kicked a pile of black cloth that Endymion realised was a very ugly corpse.

“Don’t say his name, Potter!”

“Why? He looks pretty bloody dead to me!” Both men stared at the small pile of ungainly limbs, clammy skin and lifeless features. Severus gave it a quick kick and, when nothing happened, did it again with more force.

“Just making certain,” he told the younger man.

“Huh, good idea,” Potter replied and took two steps back so he could have a bit of a run up for his own kick. The body rolled several metres before hitting a large rock. “Yep, still dead.”

“Good,” Severus sneered.

Potter looked at Severus expectantly. “What now?”

“Why are you asking me, you imbecile?”

The imbecile in question shrugged, apparently not at all offended by the insult. “I figure if there’s any kind of procedure to follow after a dark lord kicks the bucket, you’d know it better than me. I was still in nappies the last time, not to mention the old man had me shuffled off to the muggles post-haste.”

“I remember no procedures, as such. I was too busy finishing off my stocks of fire whisky.”

Potter looked intrigued. “You got any now? Because I reckon getting insensibly drunk actually sounds pretty good right now.”

The one called Severus sneered again. “And waste good whisky on you? I think not, Potter.” He paused in thought. “Minerva’s stocks should still be in her room, though.”

Potter grinned and Endymion got the impression that, appearances to the contrary, both men were staving off out and out hysterics with sheer obstinacy. Whatever had happened here did not involve Usagi because she did not leave mortals on the verge of insanity. Even at her worst as Bunny, Endymion had never needed to drink himself insensible. Wanted to, perhaps, but not needed to.

The two men began walking back to the castle and Endymion ghosted behind them. Potter looked over his shoulder. “What about him though?”

Severus didn’t pause. “Who cares? He’s dead. If we’re not too hung-over, we’ll tell the Ministry tomorrow. It’s not like the useless bastards did anything helpful in any case.”

“They’ll probably reopen the school,” Potter said offhandedly. “Bring all the students back.”

Severus shuddered. “It can definitely wait then.”

Endymion wondered why he was following them. There were none of the signs of Usagi’s presence about. Quite the contrary, whatever had happened here had more likely involved her pursuer. He considered just rifling through their minds to find what he wanted. The main factor holding him back from just such a course was that, as strained as he felt both to be, his invasion might break them. Endymion was not yet ready to destroy mortal minds for no certain gain in his quest.

“Will you tell them about the rock?”

Severus looked at him incredulously. “You really are as stupid as you look, Potter. Tell the Ministry that some otherworldly being gave me Voldemort’s soul to guard? I think not! I have no desire to revisit my cell in Azkaban!”

Potter’s shoulders tensed. “Like I’d let that happen! Trust me, Snape, the Ministry will not touch you.”

Severus snarled, “Oh, yes! Please! Protect me, Potter!”

“Don’t be a prick.”

“Don’t be a moron.”

“I’m not. One, ever since Fudge bit the blasting curse, Moody, Shaklebolt and Mr Weasley have pretty much run the Ministry. Two, they like me. Three, currently the public loves me so the politicians that don’t like me will shut up. Four, we’re the only witnesses here, we can spin the story however we want, even going so far as to make you the victor over the evil bastard if you want.”

Severus stopped and looked at Potter with a rather surprised expression. “Merlin, Potter, there may be a brain under that crow’s nest after all.”

“Thank you,” the younger continued un-phased, “And, five, shouldn’t you be calling me Harry?”

Severus sniffed scornfully. “Voldemort’s soul, I might have, but what in Hecate’s name makes you think that the blonde bint was an alien princess?”

Endymion’s attention was abruptly riveted.

“Maybe not,” Harry replied, “But the wings gave away that whatever she was, she wasn’t human and just look at what you’ve got, just as you said, right in the palm of your hand.”

Wings? With a thought, Endymion appeared in front of the pair. “Wings? Alien princess?” He fixed them with all the force of will he could muster. “You wouldn’t happen to be referring to a stunningly beautiful blond that probably appeared to be a normal human before she grew wings and revealed herself as the daughter of the Moon Queen? She might have called herself Bunny or Serena or…”

Black and green eyes blinked at him. Too late, Endymion’s brain caught up with his mouth and he realised that this probably wasn’t the best way to approach them. It was fortunate for him that they were both so shocked from previous events that they took his appearance without a qualm.

“Usagi?” Severus finished after a moment of uncomfortable silence, eerily calm. “I do believe we encountered someone of that description. She chattered inanely at us for a few moments.”

“Then we all watched that scary weirdo knock of Voldemort,” Harry added, “Then your blond took off out the window and the weirdo shot off after her. They both disappeared midair.”

Damn! Obviously, both Usa and Galaxia had left the Realm. “About where were they when they disappeared?” he demanded.

Harry pointed. “See that window?” he asked.

Snape sighed with disgust and slapped the hand down. “Good grief, you little simpleton, there are hundreds of windows over there!” He met Endymion’s eyes. “North tower, fourth level, second window on the right.”

Harry nodded. “She jumped from there and pretty much went straight down for around 500 feet and then she apparated.”

Endymion found what they were talking about while Severus argued with Harry.

“You can’t apparate on school grounds, Potter!”

“Then what the Hell did she do?”

“I don’t know! Used and invisibility spell? I know I would if it’d hid me from that demented hag!”

“Why would your hag do the same thing then?”

“I don’t know! Maybe she didn’t want the other blond to see her coming. Or, surprise, surprise, she was yet another unbelievably powerful individual that was completely insane!”

“They do tend to be that, don’t they?”

“That’s enough drivel, Potter!”

“Oi! Didn’t Mr. Mysterious here say she’s the daughter of the Moon Queen?”


“Wouldn’t that mean-”

“Not another word, Harry! Oh, great powers, I need that drink!”

“McGonagall’s firewhisky?”

“Merlin, yes!”

Endymion was oblivious to the pair of them as they forgot about him and determinably made their way back to the castle. His attention was focused on the local energy fields and the two distinct points in their patterns where two powerful beings had abruptly left them. Once he had the exit point that he was certain was Usagi’s, he followed it through.


Lita was going to lose, Mina decided. Although, in theory, she should have been wiping the floor with Zack’s face, currently she was just slow. Her reactions, her attacks, everything seemed almost half-hearted and Mina doubted it was because the other woman was wearing down. Jupiter’s endurance was amongst the best of all the scouts. She was still going to lose, though. As soon as Zoisite realised that Jupiter was not trying to trick him with a faked vulnerability, he would finish the match.

“The thing about Beryl,” she said as she watched the fight, “Is that, in the end, she basically just gave up.”

“That sounds unlikely.” Kian commented sceptically, justifiably so as they were discussing the woman who had defied time and death in her quest for power.

“But true,” Amy said in Mina’s support. “Considering the level of opposition we faced here, logically, once we located her base of operations and went on the offensive in her ‘territory’, so to speak, the forces we faced should have been greater. Initially, it did seem that way. We faced what emotionally seemed to be a never-ending tide of enemies. Objectively, they did have a limit to their forces, but that limit was still exponentially greater than anything we could even consider fielding.”

“The enemy got weaker as we went along,” Raye added. “Which is strange considering that Beryl usually used her weakest forces first - cannon fodder to tire us out before the real opponents appeared. It didn’t end up happening that way.”

“It got so that a good sneeze would blow them away. The energy that we used in the first few fights was replaced as we basically walked over the horde.” Mina remembered the tedium best and, in the end, that was what that day had been, tedious. “By the time we got to Beryl, it was worse than a bad joke. We were surrounded by the same monsters that had come so close to killing us all many times that a four-year-old could have won against them.”

It was kind of like Lita and Zack’s battle. Like Zack, the scouts had been so certain that the lack of difficulty had to be a trap.

“When we found Beryl, she was raving. Half of what she was saying was the usual megalomaniacal ranting. The rest was gibberish.”

“Likely, it was her original language,” Amy corrected. “One so old that even its name is now forgotten.”

Mina shrugged. Who cared? “Whatever.”

Amy looked disapproving. “Mina! Knowing things like that can help us understand why she did what she did!”

“She was nuts, Ames! With a side order of fruit loops! A few crayons short of a drawing! She was bribed by power and then thought she was in charge.”

“Generally, the one with the power is in charge,” Alex pointed out dryly.

Mina sniffed. “But it wasn’t her power, she just thought that it was and made everyone else believe it too. If it really had been hers, then she wouldn’t have lost it.”

“Lost what?” Jyp interrupted, “The plot?”

“That too,” Mina agreed, “But also that supposedly unbeatable power that she made out that she had. When we met her face to face, she could still beat the crap out of us, but I doubt she could have destroyed worlds.”

“A small city, maybe,” Raye added.

Mina couldn’t disagree with that. “A little one,” she emphasised, “But that’s not exactly what you’d expect from the woman who caused the first Armageddon!”

“It was still more than we could do,” Raye recalled.

Amy nodded. “As Lita would say, we had our arses handed to us.”

“She would not put it like that!”

“She would and has!”

“Pfft! When?”

“When we all spent the next week looking like mummies because of the bandages!”

“How did you gain the upper hand?” Kian’s cool voice effectively doused the argument.

“We didn’t,” Amy grumbled, pouting at Raye. “Darien ended up sneaking up behind her with my help.”

Mina nodded. “Then, wham! He whacked her good! She folded like wet toilet paper!:

“I did not need that visual, Mina,” Raye complained.

Alex snorted. “From what we’ve heard about Beryl, it’s kinda appropriate.”

Mina grinned, vindicated, but it faded as she noticed the expressions on Kian, Nick and Jyp’s faces. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s all it took?” Nick sneered acidly, “A blow to the head?”

“A blow from a magically enhance fit adult male using his physically and, again, magically enhanced power focus,” Amy elaborated precisely.

“He clubbed her,” Jyp summarised, his own expression ambiguous.

“Technically,” Amy conceded reluctantly, obviously picking up on the three males’ odd tension.

Mina tilted her head, not quite certain why she was sensing so much bitterness. Then she thought about it and could have hit herself. These three, four including Zack, had spent months in Beryl’s possession and the youngest of them was years older than any of the four original scouts. The men who had become the generals had been strong and fit even before they’d awakened, so they must be wondering how had they been held prisoner for so long if Beryl could be taken so easily? Undoubtedly, all three were now asking themselves, why didn’t they fight for longer and harder? They, who had had all the reason in the world to kill Beryl, hadn’t managed to scratch her and a bunch of girls, not counting Darien, had taken her out.

Mina saw where they might experience a little inadequacy. And it was not like she could discuss her theories with about that strange turnaround lest they mistake it for pity on her part. Mina would not chance that, not even to ask the questions she was dying to know the answers to. If they hadn’t believed in Metallia, then they’d hardly know who killed her and made Beryl vulnerable. Pity, because Mina really wanted to know.


Motoki watched, feeling sick, as his twin and soulsister left the merging twin realms with a proud crack of power. Through his sire’s eyes, he also watched as the great calamity chose not to follow immediately. Galaxia stayed on the colony, her very presence further destabilising the twin realms.


“I see, my son. Those young mortals are bright souls, indeed.* Thanatos remarked.

*And thou woudst know,* Morpheus agreed as they all examined the four young men that Usa had just left.

*All have powerful wills, indeed one might even say that they are Powerful in Will,* Chronos added.

*Truly. ‘Tis a pity that such shall not save them from Galaxaia’s depredations.*

*They have not yet fallen prey to erasure as so many of the other doppelgangers have, despite Usa’s warning,* Motoki had to point out.

*Aye, but they are mortal. Galaxia is no longer.*

Motoki had a strange sense of his father withholding something that was quickly beyond his reach. Instead of chasing what might be no more than a recollection of when these mortals were due to die, he watched as the evil Star toyed with the men. They had found her or she had found them and she taunted and tantalised them with the hope and possibility that they could delay her or keep her attention from others or some other futile wish. Not limited to her nature’s dimensions, Galaxia could step around, over or though any obstacle the mortal men might conceive of.

And she did not need to concern herself with avoiding a doppelganger as two of her mortal amusements did. That seemed to entertain her as did whatever she gleaned from their minds, for she allowed them to divert her for longer than she normally would. She toyed with them, the doppelgangers in particular, much as a cat would with its prey. She captured them and held them helpless and then, just as thoughtlessly, released them. She dangled two by their long hair and made the doppelgangers watch them hang.

It was a sickening sight for Motoki and one that disgusted him, that the Guardian who had been the pride of the Council could fall so far.

*That was a mistake,* Thanatos murmured into the others’ minds. He was referring to something Galaxia had done, some new torment she had inflicted out of spite. Motoki did not see what difference it could make.

*And now she will learn,* Chronos agreed, expectant.

Motoki did not understand. Not even when the two doppelgangers stood with obvious pain and difficulty. The two squared their shoulders and they reached out. Eyes fixed on Galaxia, their fingertips brushed.

Motoki cried out into the reaches of his father’s mind. *Why would they do that? Usa warned them!*

*Aye, child, she did and they heard and now you will understand why,* Thanatos replied, implacable as only death could be. *What a choice and time did split, chance has reunited.*

The youngest Star gasped in awe at the wash of Will that flooded his perceptions. *What?*

*A new Power is born,* Morpheus intoned. *May his hand keep his Realms safe.*

The doppelgangers where gone, reforged into one being. Two extraordinary mortal wills and minds were now a single mind of unrelenting clarity and adamant Will. He faced Galaxia and while she did not tremble, she did hesitate.

*He cannot defeat her,* Motoki protested.

*Should she leave, He is safe, as are His Realms. Should she stay, He will die but the hope of Renewal shall escape and live on. Galaxia has only this one chance. She must choose.*

Motoki could feel the tension rising to a fever pitch and, with a gasp of dumbfounded enlightenment, realised what his elders had hinted at. “He’s a Star!*

Around him, the starlight eyes of Chronos, Morpheus and Saetan blazed. They had expected this, in one way or another, Motoki understood even as he watched Galaxia turn away and pursue his sister. They had expected this ascension, awaited it eagerly even and it had happened as was inevitable. But what of the devastation that this new Star must repair in his new domain?

*Shouldn’t we…?*

*Nay, young Star,* Chronos interrupted, his mind calm and objective. *Until this plays out, we may only watch.*


*By the Speaker’s command,* Morpheus stated, his emotions cold and distant.

If Motoki’s mind weren’t so closely melded to his father as they utilised the soul-bond between them to allow the guardian Star to perceive what they, Divine Stars each, could do simply, he would have turned to stare at the ancient Lord of Dream in shock. When had that happened?!

His father easily sensed the thought and memory of the order came. These three had all known, from the beginning, that the moment his twin’s soulmate began to seek her, that all Stars, guardian and Divine, could no longer interfere. Until either his beloved sister was safe or Galaxia was triumphant, no one but those two and a frantic soulmate might transverse between Realms.

*We can’t help at all?!* Usa would soon be desperate. Mamoru may not have the time and that poor new Star must surely be bewildered.

*No, child. Now Usagi and Mamoru must determine their fates for themselves.*

Motoki would have staggered had he been able. With each new scene he witnessed, the more he understood exactly how great a threat pursued his sister and, only now, did he realise that there would be no last minute rescue if she were to fail. If that happened, Motoki would be in a position to watch as his sibling was not only killed, but her very soul consumed. The plight of the new Star was put aside for it was not as immediate as that of Motoki’s precious twin.

*Even if Mamoru reaches her, how can they hope to prevail? Even together? Galaxia was never just a Guardian Star and now she is empowered by the essence of Kaos. Full and powerful Stars together have fallen before her! They’re not ready yet! They can’t face her and live!*

*Then they will end and the Renewal will fail,* Chronos stated implacably.*

*They won’t fail,* Morpheus assured them all.

*How can you be certain?* Motoki demanded of the gold power near him. *How can you know when even Chronos does not?*

Motoki waited but no answer was forthcoming. He was not yet powerful enough to hear Mopheus’ fierce self-assurance.

*We did.*


Usagi was tiring. She had gained some distance from her hunter but such a reprieve was temporary at best. She was out of her depth and she knew it. When she had decided her course of action on Kinmoku, she had not known there would be such repercussions.

That Galaxia would pursue her so relentlessly had not even entered her mind. She should have been more cautious. Two attempts already at seeing her future die prematurely, three if the Fall and the loss of Mamoru for millennia were counted. Did she possess no cunning when it was her own life at stake?

She had no recourse now but to beg aide from her kin and allies. Humbling though it was, she had entangled herself in Galaxia’s web and had not the ability to free herself unassisted. Thus decided, she loosed the barriers on her mind and cried out with all the desperation in her.

To her Mother and her mother’s moon she called. To her twin and their fellow guardians. To her friends, Setsuna and Setsuna’s divine master, Chronos. To her sire and his Guardian. She called for her shadowy protector in Dream with his strength of the ages and inescapable reach. She searched for Mamoru, her heart and strength.

All that answered her was silence.

Hah! And this one I know I haven't posted before... I think.

renewal, sm fandom, wip, fics, xover

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