_coherent: I hate rhyming slang.
draegonhawke: Man, I have nightmares about rhyming slang.
_coherent: ...you do?
draegonhawke: Well, not literal ones. It does make we want to crawl under a desk and writhe, though. Literally.
_coherent: You should cross it over with Silent Hill.
draegonhawke: AUGH. You know, I think that may be the one fic I refuse to write.
_coherent: Aww.
draegonhawke: ...you know, that really would be horrible. Like, if Pyramid Head could only speak in Cockney rhyming slang, and that's why he just doesn't say anything?
...and that right there pretty much sums up today in entirety. (Well, we also had a very nice grill-out.)
[EDIT: ...a grill-out at which I got to chop up a watermelon with a machete! How did I not mention this?]