But not Prancer, or Donner, or Blitzen....?

Jan 18, 2006 22:31

I am in a happy art place.

Not only am I working on two images that I'm beginning to feel pretty good about, I have nambroth drawing me breathtaking art and I have transnomad helping me with quick sketches of my newest fanfic heartthrob, Dancer. (Yes, she's a fighter jet. What?)

Dancer is part of my (at the moment) second-most-recent Stargate: SG1 braintic plot. (The most recent has a ghostly luminous Pyramid Head. I kid you not. Also, energy weapons based on atlatls. And something called "the taint" that keeps you from going braindead upon physical death. And Goa'uld ribbon devices. And copious O'Neill angst, right before he goes back to smartassing.)

Basically, Dancer is one of a large (and growing) group of sentient fighter jets and magibrainified SCV-MALPs. (For the record, I have a huge crush on the MALPs. I think I may be roboaffectional. But they're just so goshdarn cute!) The race was originally built by a race of aliens who looked like black questing beasts (but with more articulable hands), and yes, they were designed to be sentient and self-sufficient. Their creators felt it important that they create a race in its own right, rather than sentient tools which would naturally be second-class entities because they were dependent on their creators. And yes, this actually worked out. Do not question the magibrain. The questing beasts have long since moved on (and are dealt with in another braintic plotline).

In any case, the Goa'uld didn't like the idea of ships smarter than they were, and smashed all the robots up--both subspecies, meaning the SCV-MALPs and the fighters. So, in yet another braintic plotline, SG1 goes through the Gate to a world where there are all of these smashed up robots, and find a couple which are immobile but still alive. So they help one of the SCVMALPs repair another which can in turn repair the first so that both of them can repair the rest of the SCVMALPs and the fighter planes, and thus earn the gratitude of the species. (The major motivation for this, aside from just being nice folks, was that O'Neill and Teal'c got nabbed by the Goa'uld and the fighter plane offered to help spring them if Carter and Jackson agreed to help fix them up. So to fix the plane they had to fix the SCVMALP, to fix the SCVMALP they had to get the materials, to get the materials they... you know, after a bit it started looking like the fox whose tail got chopped off by the farmer*, but this is the magibrain for you.

So, anyway, in this second-most-recent braintic plotline, SG1 finds a stargate in space (a la Atlantis), but needs to investigate. So they call in a favor from the sentient ship race, and get one to come back with them. The thing is, they need a ship that can fit through the Stargate, fit into the Embarkation Room, turn around so as to load SG1 onto it, get out of the way of the wake of the initializing wormhole, and then fit back through the stargate. Which is no mean task.

Enter Dancer, a new ship built between one braintic plotline and the other. Dancer's 'wings' can fold in, making her small enough to fit tightly through the Gate, and she's nimble (maneuverable) enough to do some pretty complex acrobatics--just the kind of thing needed for navigating an Embarkation Room 28 or so floor below ground level and of a very fixed size.

Later on, she takes on somewhere between two and six Goa'uld Death Gliders all by herself with--you guessed it--more fancy flying. I have a feeling that that number will increase steadily to the point of ridiculousness as the magibrain gets more and more excited over this plotline, until the inevitable happens and the thrill wears off and it moves on to tormenting SG1 in new and novel ways.


*Remind me to explain this later. Now, it's tired and I'm late.

} magibrain, show: stargate sg1, entry: arts

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