Ehhhn. Five Guilty Pleasures meme. In which you list five guilty pleasures and compel tag others to do the same. Whatever.
Indulging in character death/angst. Or both simultaneously. ...I just really enjoy putting my characters through Hell with a capital H in the back of my mind. It's like fic-candy for the magibrain. Generally they'll come through the other end all right (complete with miraculous ressurections if need be), because I'm a softy and dislike actually killing characters off forever and ever and ever; often there's something great to be gained at the end of it all even if everyone is torn to shreds along the way, but it's the angst that buys the euphoria and is delectable to me in its own right. ...a lot of the ideas that loat in the back of my mind are so far-fetched that I wouldn't ever consider seriously writing fic on them, but they play on, nonetheless. (...though, one of these days, I should try grabbing one of my ongoing braintics and writing it out, possibly on a special LJ filter, just so you can see how blastedly improbable the whole thing is. As long as everyone agrees not to laugh at me. ...ah, who am I kidding.)
Scented soap. ...shut up. I like showers, I like baths--well, I just generally like warmth, and showering/bathing means I get to soak in warmth--and smell is, uite honestly, probably my most hedonistic of senses. Which is why I adore insence and scented candles and hanging around by ovens in which food is baking as much as I do. The amusing thing is, I tend to like "woodsy"er scents--sandalwood, cedar, pine--and musk and things like that a lot more than flowery/fruity scents, so I usually end up buying men's stuff. (I actually have, in my posession right now, a bottle of Axe deodorant. Yes, that I actually spent money on. Don't judge me.)
Outdated computer games. I like Exile III more than Avernum III, which is Exile III redone with better graphics. I like Master Of Orion more than Master Of Orion II or Master Of Orion III. I still really wish I could get my hands on emulated/ported versions of Megazeux and Beasts. Qite honestly, the iconic nature of the graphics just appeals to me, and I don't know why. Possibly it has to do with my appreciaton for small discrete units. What.
Singing along to iTunes. Everything from Karma Slave to The Freshman to No Leaf Clover to Kryptonite. ...though I'll only do so when I have a fair assurance that no one can hear me. I think I sound better with an accompanyment--this is probably because I can't hear my own voice so well ^^;.
Having my ego stroked. ...hey, it's a guilty pleasure, okay? I try to keep my ego at a responsible size, and I do mean it when I say that thoughtful, earnest reviews mean more to me than "Whoa, you're so totally awesome," but... it's like cotton candy. I know there's no substance to it and in ten minute's I'll be hungry again, but it tastes so good going down.
I got tagged by
code_epic, if I remember correctly, and I tag in turn
casteylan, and
khor_tatueldi--even though the chances that Khor will actually do it are roughly the same as the chance that a giant lava slime mold will rise from Mt. Kilimanjaro and proceed to devour the Vatican within the next three (3) days.