We both got the Diablo Battle Chest at Target today. Just installed Diablo 2 on my laptop now. Gotta transfer my character over from Kané's laptop to mine for some slash and freeze (I'm playing a sorceress and building up my cold spells) cooperative goodness :D
We also got a bunch of... well, cheesy movies. Super Troopers, Big Trouble in Little China, Hot Shots and Hot Shots Part Deux, and the 3 Resident Evil movies. Ah hoky goodness :) We've watched the first two so far, and now we're on to Hot Shots. A good way to spend a Sunday after feeling like crap. It's just too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow, heh.
Speaking of work... yeah work. Work will soon require a lot more weekend work. Not sure I'm really down with that. I think there's a whole entry about that coming, since I can't make up my damn mind if I want to stay or go.
In other news, we're going to see Sigur Ros in October with Anuj and his girlfriend. Should be a damn good time. They were excellent the last time I saw them. Speaking of which, I should get their new album. And the last few things NIN put out, since we're going to see them in September.
Oh yeah, speaking of NIN, Kané asked if I want a chain mail shirt for the show. I said yes, hehe. It'll be in color too! Anodized aluminum, so it won't weigh all that much, in
dark purple and black. Should be damn spiffy. I'm quite looking forward to the rings getting in and watching him make it.
Ok, I think it's time for some geeky fun.