Working at the movies selling popular corn...

Jul 10, 2013 15:48

My dream this morning involved losing my car in a multi-level mall. Here are the details to each level.

I. Castle/museum
II. Music store
III. Daycare
IV. Amorous elderly invalids
V. a. 1980s basement
b. Candy store

Realized I cannot find my car in the mall parking lot. A friend I was with said she left it somewhere in the mall. The search begins.

I. Castle/museum: The walls are made of thick white stone. The set-up is in an authentic castle, but with exhibits displaying armor and the like. There are people, school groups, walking around with brochures.

II. Music store: I had managed to get out of the castle and outside where I thought a parking lot might be. Instead, I found myself near a fountain. I heard a crash, looked up to see a child swing out of a small window and knock over a bunch of cassette tapes from an outside terrace. I climb up there and glimpse at some of the titles. They are mostly '90s bands. Garbage and Nirvana are all I can remember. The set up is similar to the used music stores I have been in.

III. Daycare: I go into the small square in the wall. There are children running wild inside what appears to be a single level house. I go from room to room while the teenage babysitters explain how hard it is to handle so many kids. They are trying to appeal for my help. I do not heed, and continue looking for my car. I can remember seeing a lot of beds and couches with blankets and pillows on them.

IV. Amorous elderly invalids: I walk down some stairs in the house-like daycare area. From the stairs I can see elderly people on hospital beds on wheels stacked very close to one another. They are in various states of being unwell. No one is moving much. There are IVs dangling over many of them. As I try and make my way through the tightly packed room, I notice many of the patients are touching themselves, or trying to. Everything is slow. They are moaning more from the effort it takes to simply move, let alone whatever pleasure they may be deriving. I have to evade hands clawed with arthritis reaching for me from beds. I apologize as I go. An old woman glares at me. Her face says, "Don't we have the right to this as much as you?"

V. a.1980s basement: I am still looking for my car. I managed to leave the elderly people. I may have taken an elevator or some stairs. I cannot remember. I am in the basement of the mall. The floor is dirty. There are pipes hanging from the ceiling and strips of plastic working as makeshift walls. The smell is musty, but refreshingly cooler than the old person room. Everyone down here is dressed to look like they have been living in the basement since the '80s. I see a Michael Jackson impersonator watching me from behind a partially destroyed brick wall. There are dancers on the floor in front of me. I spot a fake Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp dancing among them. I make jerky dance moves to make it across the dance floor. They are watching me very intently. If I don't do the moves correctly, I know something bad will happen. I managed to get to the end of the room, but my car isn't there. I can't understand where my car would be. This is the bottom floor of the mall, lower than that, and I didn't see it anywhere. I start to go upstairs, but see a side entrance that wasn't there when I first entered the room.

I climb over some debris. I see the fake Michael Jackson and a fake Janet Jackson having sex with their clothes on. They are perched on a wall. Both of them watch my face as I pass them, looking for a hint of disgust, or that I do not belong. I make it past them. There is a room full of vintage toys. Most of them are from the '80s, still in boxes and everything. I see My Little Ponies in a package with Pokemon. I resist the urge to take any of these with me.

b. Candy store: Briefly, I pass through a candy store. I know this is another temptation. If I touch anything, the '80s basement creeps will come for me.

Somehow I make it outside again. I still do not see my car. My friend is there again. She tells me she left it on the first floor.

I think I did make it back up to the first floor, but I don't think I ever found my car.

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