Last of a dying bread...

Dec 03, 2012 11:40

I have lots of bread products in my freezer. English muffins, rolls from Thanksgiving, other rolls whose origins I do not know. Why can't I just let these grains go? They get frozen because they are never eaten fast enough, but then in the freezer, I don't see them and they get extra neglected. What gives?

Tonight I am going to see The Birthday Massacre and Creature Feature in Worcester, MA. Woo! Show was supposed to be on Friday, but was postponed because B-day Massacre singer Chibi hurt her knee at a previous show. ;_;

Why must performers be human? They are art making machines for my own amusement, I thought. Pump out the jams, please. In the for reals, hoping she is well enough to perform tonight.

Excited about seeing Creature Feature again. It's been awhile. All their songs are about horror movies/aliens/ghosts/etc. "Aim for the Head" and "Look to the Skies" are personal favorites. :D

Went to the 10 year high school reunion for the kids with whom I went to middle school. My freshman year of high school I moved two towns away, into Massachusetts and away from my Rhode Island roots. It was culture shock, going from the very diverse range of income and interests of the small, regionalized two-town crowd to complete suburbia. The only thing that new town had was a mall, which made things even worse.

So I was a bit nostalgic for the old, old times, and even though I hadn't seen anyone in 14 years, I was hoping to see a few kids I knew as friends. It was okay. Only really ended up seeing one boy I used to hang out with.

We had a kinda romantic thing once, after I had moved. We watched Star Trek: the Next Generation on his couch in his parents house, once. He held me. Then we watched Eurotrip at my house. We cuddled again. Then he tried to kiss me and I was like, WHOA. NOPE. Then he never called or anything ever again. Which was okay, because I probably just wanted non-committal attention.

Hanging out at the reunion was okay. I had my friend Melissa with me the whole time, too. She actually invited me so I wasn't completely crashing.

But it made me kinda sad because I was still getting vibes off him I wasn't returning (I HAVE A BOYFRIEND who wasn't there, and i think i only mentioned him once about something we did long ago).

My question is, can't I just be friends with guys? I like guys. I like when they like me (OMG, this doesn't sound good). I have interests that not all ladies do, so I find it easy to talk to males about bloody horror movies, comic books, or something along those lines. Yes, ladies like this stuff, too, but the older one gets, the more responsibilities of life take over.

You feel guilty about enjoying something involving the imagination. You should be cleaning something, instead. Or working. Or paying a bill, I dunno.

And I think in the society I am a part of, men are encouraged to stay in a youthful mindset longer. Play videogames! Superheroes are cool! Monster movies!

While women are pushed into more family-orientated interests, or heavily "female" interests. Shopping! Alcoholic beverages ending in -tini! Let's pretend to be on Sex and the City! All very down to earth pursuits, while I am actively trying to escape reality.

I know that a lot of this stuff is marketing. It is marketed to the genders as gender-specific. But it seems that society just eats it up, willingly.

Men can be boys forever (because they have women to take care of them), but if women don't grow up as soon as they hit puberty, they are sad little beings.

"Wow, is she playing Super Mario Bros.? She should really be producing children who play Super Mario Bros, or complaining about a man love who does."

I guess if I get really upset about it, I could just make a scrapbook. That's what society wants me, as a woman, to channel my creativity into. That is the one outlet we are allowed.

(Not that I have anything against scrapbooking. But I am sorta resentful and insulted by them as a lady. Because it's what ladies do. Why don't men scrapbook? Oh, because they have no feelings and sense of nostalgia. Got it.)

And back to that original rant about being friends with guys... It was okay in school. Middle school, high school, even college. But now that I am almost 29, if I so much as look at a man, it means my body wants to have sex with him. If we talk, that means my brain also wants us to sex. Sex for sure. I am only allowed to talk with male co-workers because we are forced to be together for a shared reason other than personal interest.

I had a convo about this with a female co-worker who is my age. She told me there is no appropriate way for me to have new male friends. They can be grandfathered in from childhood, but that is it.

How sad is that?

Why can't I just play in the sandbox with Billy?

(Because that sounds like sex.)
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