Sometimes People Think That Guy You Like Is Ugly

Dec 08, 2011 00:21

Sometimes... people hate the people you find irresistible. Such has been the case many times over the years with some of those gorgeous Kpoppers that I love so much but oulan isn't quite so fond of. This short list, however, is not about the differences of opinion she and I have had. This list was conceived when I realized sometimes, I like that guy that it seems SO MANY other people dislike. Maybe I have a severe brain problem that makes me like these "unattractive" guys.

But I'll never stop loving them.

Example A: Jang Hyunseung
Group: Beast

So rumor has it that the world at large is kind of indifferent to Jang Hyunseung. Which is totally understandable. By which I mean it is completely unacceptable. People don't like his face or his 4D ways. These people are wrong. For example:

This man is gorgeous.

Example B: Yang Yoseob
Group: Beast

Wow, Beast is getting a lot of attention on this list. Some people seem to think that this precious guy looks like a troll. I think he's the cutest thing since... well, anything. He is PRESH. Beast's visual maknae is a pleasure to the eye of a person with good taste like me. Take a look:

Almost too good to be true.

Example C: Thunder
Group: Beast

He's pretty disliked. I had an argument on Twitter once with not just oulan but one of our friends as well, trying to let them know how incredibly attractive Thunder is and being told, again and again, how very unattractive he is. I guess you can decide for yourselves:

Example D: Woosang
Group: AA (Double A)

Woosang barely made this list, since among AA fans he's one of the most popular. Nevertheless, to the general public, to the collective "you" out there, he is perceived as fug. This distresses me. Because he is amazing. Seriously, how can you dislike him:


Example E: Kimchi
Group: AA (Double A)

Now even among AA fans, Kimchi is generally seen in a negative light. I find him to be absolutely adorable. I don't understand why people dislike him. He is amazing. I think I keep calling people amazing, and I apologize for not having a more colorful vocabulary. But he is really adorable. I am absolutely baffled as to why nobody else can see this:

Now, this list is by no means fully exhaustive. But it'll do for now. And if you're thinking to yourself, 'Hey, I have guys like that too!' I think we all do. Happy kpopping, everyone!
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