BDSM Done Right Fills Take 5

Feb 24, 2016 08:53

For Jazztripp
Prompt: Blades/Heatwave, Nonsexual, Playtime

Fandom: Transformers Rescue Bots. Warnings: Mostly SFW

It takes all he has to keep from giggling. He can’t seem to get in the proper mindset, despite all the prepwork he’d done beforehand. There’s only so much one can learn from a datapad, you know. Especially the technical manual that Chase had slid into the stack when he thought Blades wouldn’t notice.


Anyway, yes. Blade is having trouble focusing. Because there Heatwave is, paying attention to Blades. Full attention. And he’s not being mean or yelling or telling Blades what he did wrong.

He’s just waiting. Waiting for Blades to take command.

“Um. So.” Blades taps his fingers together. “I guess I should just go ahead and start.”

“Any minute now, yeah, that would be great,” Heatwave replies, a touch of frustration in his voice. Though Blades had to give him credit. He hasn’t gotten growly yet.

“Hey!” Blades plants his hands on his hips. “I’m the one in charge here. Well, I mean, technically you’re in charge, but I’m supposed to be taking care of you and-”

“Blades,” Heatwave interrupts with a gentleness to his voice that Blades rarely gets to hear. “You’re overthinking it. You’re going to do fine.”

His face heats. “Okay.” Blades shutters his optics and cycles a deep ventilation like Boulder taught him.

“Okay,” Blades repeats and looks down at Heatwave. “If you want to stop, just say stop.”

Heatwave nods. “Yes, sir.”

Oh. Oh, Primus.

Blades swallows down another nervous laugh. “And, um, put your hands behind your back. Keep them there.”

Heatwave obeys, his optics following Blades with patience. It’s like he’s become another person, taken on a role. Like an actor in one of Cody’s movies.

Oh. Oh.

And finally, it clicks. Blades understands. He thinks, yes. Yes, I can do this.

“Good,” he says, not Blades the Rescue Bot, but Blades the Dominant whom Heatwave trusts. “Very, very good. Now we can start."

For ebonykain
Prompt: Grimlock/Starscream. Safeword+Aftercare. Sticky. Sexual.

Fandom: Transformers IDW/G1. Warnings: NSFW

He hadn’t stopped shaking since the gasped out request for Grimlock to stop had first warbled out of his mouth. Starscream’s wings drooped, pressed hard against his back. He wouldn’t meet Grimlock’s optics. His armor had clamped tight.

Right now, he looked as if he expected Grimlock to raise a hand or a foot to him, and not for any of the reasons they both enjoyed. He looked like he expected to be punished for failure.

Grimlock, all over again, hated every mech who had ever touched Starscream. Not because Starscream belonged to him, but because it was obvious none of them had ever taken the time to treat him right, the way he deserved.

Grimlock tossed the cuffs over his shoulder and knelt down in front of his lover, hoping to Primus that Starscream wasn’t going to draw inward, as he sometimes did when he wasn’t spitting fire at Grimlock in an attempt to hide how upset he was.

He took Starscream’s wrists gently, though the cuffs hadn’t left so much as a scrape behind. Grimlock had chosen the padded ones on purpose.

“Starscream,” he said, trying to catch his lover’s attention. “What’s wrong?”

Crimson optics found the wall to the left of them very fascinating. “I should have been stronger.”

It took every ounce of Grimlock’s self-control not to let his anger show. “You do realize that the point of a safeword is so that we stop if you are uncomfortable?”

“Discomfort is the point of submission,” Starscream muttered, and it sounded like a recitation, something he’d been told to memorize.

“No.” Grimlock leaned forward, pressing the side of their helms together so that Starscream could still look away if he so chose. “No, it is not. Discomfort should never be part of these games.”

“Use of the safeword is a failure. A good submissive should never find reason to call upon it,” Starscream said, his tone still oddly dull.

Grimlock couldn’t fight the sigh this time. He sat back on his heelstruts, and then on his aft, pulling Starscream into his arms. “I’d be much angrier if you hadn’t. I don’t know who told you that nonsense, but it’s wrong. If anything, the one who failed is me.”

Starscream squirmed in his arms. “That’s impossible.”

“Yeah, well, it happened.” Grimlock shrugged. “I should have insisted that we discuss limits in detail rather than generalities. But also, I can’t account for everything. Sometimes, we don’t know we don’t like something until we’re faced with it. And I’d never blame you for that.”

Starscream lapsed into silence, but some of the clattering eased out of his armor. He let himself be held, which was a major indulgence on his part.

“Using the safeword is not failing,” Grimlock repeated, if only to drive the point home. “It simply means we found something that doesn’t work and we can adjust in the future.”

Starscream’s field burst with surprise. “The future?”

“Yes. When we try again. Though not so soon, I think.” Grimlock gently stroked the edge of Starscream’s wings, knowing they were the least sensitive. “Might be time to look at our limits again.”

This time, Starscream’s silence was a stunned one. It also didn’t last long. He relaxed fully into Grimlock’s arms, as if all the tension left him in a burst.

“Thank you,” he murmured, engine purring.

Grimlock made a non-committal sound of acceptance. He didn’t think gratitude was necessary right now, but he wouldn’t push it. Everything with Starscream was a journey of small steps. So tiptoe he would.

For manicpixiedreamdragon
Prompt: IDW, Whirl/Rung, Sexual, Sticky/Fieldplay/Sparkplay, Aftercare

Fandom: Transformers MTMTE. Warnings: NSFW-ish

Rung’s spark was one of the beautiful things Whirl had ever seen, especially post-overload. The way it kind of glittered gently at him, sated and content, it made him feel kinda warm and gooey inside.

That Rung trusted him enough to play with it might have had something to do with it, too.

“You okay, Eyebrows?” Whirl asked as he carefully unhooked the blindfold from around Rung’s optics.

Taking away the goggles had helped some, but Rung wanted complete sense dep and so Whirl had obliged by acquiring some accessories that even he, in his claw-like state, could use. The audial dampeners were the first to come off though, that way Rung could gradually turn up the gain.

Yeah. Brainstorm helped a little. Not that Whirl would tell Rung that. Brainstorm could make non-dangerous things when he wanted to and when he concentrated!

There were a few clicks as Rung reset his vocalizer before his lips curled in a soft smile. Static emerged first, before Rung’s familiar voice filled the room. “Yes, Whirl. I am fine. Thank you.”

He tilted his helm, peering at Rung with all the curiosity he could put into his one optic. “You’re sure? Cause if you’re not, and you’re just pretendin’ you are to spare my feelin’s or somethin’…”

Rung lay a hand on his arm with a soft pat. “I promise, Whirl. I am well.” His free hand closed his chestplates, tucking his spark away.

Until next time, Whirl hoped. Maybe he’d done good enough that he’d get a second try.

“You did not hurt me,” Rung continued, squeezing Whirl’s arm gently. “In fact, if the tingle in my circuits is any indication, you did very, very well.”

Whirl’s spark fluttered. He was not going to get embarrassed or flustered. No, he was not.

“Well then, good,” he said, and he didn’t flutter with pride either. Nope. Sure didn’t. “You really like that stuff, huh?”

Rung’s smile turned coy. “Yes, I do.” He hopped off the berth, which only highlighted their height difference. “And I especially like ‘that stuff’ when you are on the other side of it. You have a wonderfully delicate touch.”

Whirl’s engine went ker-thunk. But he wasn’t flustered. “Oh, um, thanks. I guess.” He looked at Rung’s hand, still on his arm, though a little more awkwardly now that Rung wasn’t of equal height with him. “So you should get energon now, yeah? You said afterward you’re usually low so…”

He fished around in his subspace, hunting for the cube of mid-grade he’d stashed in there earlier. He finally produced it after shuffling aside some percussion grenades and offered it down to Rung with a flourish.

“See? I remembered.”

The shorter mech’s mouth curved upward. “Indeed you did,” he said as he accepted the cube. “I knew you would.”

a/n: Slowly winding down. Got several more to go!

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. :)

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transformers: idw, transformers: amalgam, transformers: rescue bots, transformers: g1, transformers, transformers: mtmte

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