BDSM Done Right Fills Take 4

Feb 23, 2016 10:58

For darklordofcutlets
Prompt: Optimus/Megatron, Sexual, Sticky, Aftercare

Fandom: Transformers MTMTE. Warnings: Nsfw-ish

The silence used to worry him.

It wasn’t like Megatron to be quiet and still. It wasn’t like him to not speak, if only just to offer a teasing word or a pointed jab meant to incite. They were very good at that, inciting one another.

So the silence worried him. Now, Optimus recognized that it was part of Megatron’s recovery process. That he worked through his own emotions, the sensations, in a soft daze that left him draped across Optimus’ lap, engine purring.

Like an Earth feline almost, Optimus thought fondly.

He didn’t mind. He was content to sit there as Megatron flopped over his legs, arms loosely wrapped around Optimus’ waist, his face pressed to Optimus’ ventrum. Optimus took the opportunity to stroke gentle patterns over whatever he could reach.

Megatron’s head, his shoulders, his arms, his back. Megatron’s armor would flutter beneath the careful stroke of his fingertips, seams widening as though inviting him to massage the cables beneath. Megatron’s field was settled and calm. He ventilated evenly.

He liked to come back to himself slowly, surely, as though resettling into his frame and reminding himself of who and what he was took great care.

Optimus considered it a compliment. That he could work Megatron over so well that the former warlord could be sent floating, sent soaring into the universe, separate from the trials of his own frame.

Cleaning up would wait until Megatron stirred. Optimus locked down whatever arousal he felt at the sight of the stickness between Megatron’s thighs and soaking the berth beneath him. His front was liberally spattered with fluids as well. Wait too long, and it would start to itch. But as long as Megatron was comfortable, Optimus would ignore the growing heat in his own panel.

He would never not want Megatron.

The hands resting at Optimus’ backstrut started to move in gentle patting motions. Megatron stirred, his face rubbing against Optimus’ ventrum as he made a low, content noise at the back of his intake.

“Better?” Optimus murmured. He’d learned his lesson about speaking too loudly, too suddenly, in the wake of a session.

A startled Megatron was a very dangerous Megatron and though Optimus could handle himself, he didn’t particularly like the tongue-lashing either of them received as a result of their own foolishness.

“Mm. Your panel’s hot, Optimus,” Megatron said, something sly in his tone. His legs shifted, rubbing against Optimus’.

Optimus’ lips curved upward. “One wonders why.”

“I suppose that I’m simply so inspiring you can’t help it.” Megatron chuckled, his ex-vents puffing warm bursts against Optimus’ ventrum.

“Then I suppose you know what to do about it, hm?”

Megatron nuzzled his armor, the wet tickle of a lick making Optimus startle. “Oh, yeah,” he breathed. “I can think of a few things.”

For theaircommand
Prompt: Blurr/Rodimus/Starscream, sexual, sticky, playtime

Fandom: Transformers IDW. Warnings: NSFW

This was not going to plan at all.

Then again, he should have known considering it was Starscream. Blurr seemed to be having no trouble at all, Rodimus noticed. Probably because Starscream actually listened to him, but when it was Rodimus’ turn at the helm, Starscream turned into a disobedient little git in need of several swattings.

Rodimus said as much.

“No,” Blurr replied, his fingers curled around the ropes attached to the clamps on Starscream’s winglets. “Not this time around.”

Starscream threw a smirk over his shoulder, one Blurr had to have seen, but once again, Blurr did not punish him for his insolence.

Rodimus crossed his arms and huffed. “You’re not so good at the discipline part of this, are you?”

Blurr arched an orbital ridge. “I’m as good as I need to be,” he said, and gave a gentle tug to the ropes. “Kneel.”

Starscream obeyed, though slowly, putting on a show. That he knelt closer to Blurr than to Rodimus had to be on purpose. His wings twitched as little as they were able given the lack of reach in the ropes.

Blurr’s hand rested on Starscream’s head, patting him like one might an obedient pet. “See? It’s all a matter of tone.”

Rodimus rolled his optics. “I’ll show you tone,” he muttered and stomped toward Starscream, already palming his spike. This was not going to plan at all.

“If anyone needs a swatting, it’s you,” Starscream purred. He winked an optic at Rodimus and then tilted his gaze up toward Blurr. “Isn’t that right, Master?”

Blurr chuckled. “Maybe next time, Star.” He tilted his helm and looked at Rodimus, something sparkling in his optics. “It would be kind of fun to have two pretty pets,” he added with a long, lingering look at Rodimus.

He drew up short, fingers wrapped around his spike. A shiver raced across his armor, an unexpected thrill drizzling into his spark. The way Blurr looked at him was calculating, as though he were trying to decide the best way to wrap Rodimus up in chains and where exactly to put the clamps.

“Hey, Starscream’s the pet right now. Not me,” Rodimus said, even as he squeezed several drops of pre-fluid from his spike.

“Things can always change,” Blurr purred and he gave a long, slow pull to the ropes, stressing Starscream’s flaps.

A low sound of pleasure rose in Starscream’s vocalizer. His optics dimmed, a visible shiver overtaking his frame. His glossa swept over his lips.

“Isn’t that right, Star?”

“Mmm.” Half-lidded crimson optics regarded Rodimus with interest. “Yes, Master.” Starscream’s lips parted as though inviting Rodimus.

Arousal returned in a rush. He pretended he didn’t notice Blurr smirking at him.

Rodimus supposed he could be forgiving. But just this once.

For Radio-Cybertron
Prompt: Megatron/Rodimus, Sexual, Sticky, Aftercare

Fandom: Transformers MTMTE. Warnings: NSFW

The last tremors of overload faded as Rodimus slumped bonelessly across Megatron’s lap. His aft ached, and he felt deliciously punished.

Rodimus purred as Megatron patted his aft one last time. Megatron’s other hand reached for the collar around Rodimus’ neck, so he tilted his head to give Megatron access to the clasp.

With a quiet click, playtime was over.

Rodimus stretched out his limbs, and absolutely did not squeak when Megatron lifted him to his feet with ease. Fool’s Energon or not, Megatron was still stupidly strong. And shows of strength were one of Rodimus’ many weaknesses.

“Well, that was good.” Rodimus wiped ineffectively at the transfluid on his groin. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up. Catch ya later.”

“Whoa.” Strong fingers wrapped around his wrist, keeping him from turning away. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Rodimus blinked and stared at Megatron. “To the washracks, like I said. Why?” His gaze flicked over Megatron from head to foot. His glossa flicked over his lips. “Want round two?” His spoiler halves wiggled suggestively.

“We’re not done with round one,” Megatron said, a note of exasperation to his voice as he reeled Rodimus into his arms.

“Uh. You overloaded,” Rodimus said, pointing first to his co-captain and then to himself with his free hand. “I overloaded. My aft is sufficiently sore. I feel punished. What’s left?”

“The rest of it.” Megatron’s hands ran down Rodimus’ back, not erotically, but gently. “The part where I take care of you.”

“Uh.” Rodimus blinked and tried to wriggle backward. Megatron kept him trapped in the embrace. “That’s not what we do.”

Megatron looked down at him, his free hand gently grasping Rodimus’ chin to tilt his face up toward Megatron. “It is if we’re going to continue these sessions.”

Rodimus twisted his jaw. “I asked you to beat me, not treat me nicely.”

“In session,” Megatron corrected with a rub of his thumb over Rodimus’ jawline. “Afterward, I will care for you as a proper Dominant would.”


“No buts.” Megatron pressed their forehelms together. “You need one as much as the other. That is the importance of balance.”

Rodimus squirmed. Megatron being nice to him was just weird. “Okay. Fine. What does that mean then?”

Megatron pressed a kiss to his head. “I’ll show you. We can start in the washracks.”

Rodimus wasn’t so convinced. But Megatron hadn’t steered him wrong yet, and the weirdest bit of all, Rodimus actually trusted him.

So he’d give it a try.

a/n: Even more coming!

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.

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transformers: idw, transformers, bdsm done right, transformers: mtmte

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